Watchman Willie Martin Archive

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� July 11, 2003

��������������������������������������������������� 2 Baruch

�������������������������������� THE BOOK OF THE APOCALYPSE OF BARUCH THE

����������������� ���������������������������������SON OF NERIAH

��������������������������� 1�4. Announcement of the coming Destruction of Jerusalem to Baruch

�� ��������������������1 1 And it came to pass in the twenty‑fifth year of Jeconiah, king of Judah, that the

���������������������� word of the Lord came to Baruch, the son of Neriah, and said to him: 2 'Have you

���������������������� seen all that this people are doing to Me, that the evils which these two tribes which

���������������������� remained have done are greater than (those of) the ten tribes which were carried

���������������������� away captive? 3 For the former tribes were forced by their kings to commit sin, but

���������������������� these two of themselves have been forcing and compelling their kings to commit

���������������������� sin. 4 For this reason, behold I bring evil upon this city, and upon its inhabitants, and

��������������������� �it shall be removed from before Me for a time, and I will scatter this people among

���������������������� the Gentiles that they may do good to the Gentiles. And My people shall be

���������������������� chastened, and the time shall come when they will seek for the prosperity of their

���������������������� times.

���������������������� 2 1 For I have said these things to you that you may bid Jeremiah, and all those that

���������������������� are like you, to retire from this city.

���������������������� 2 For your works are to this city as a firm pillar,

���������������������� And your prayers as a strong wall.'

���������������������� 3 1 And I said: 'O LORD, my Lord, have I come into the world for this purpose that I

���������������������� might see the evils of my mother? Not (so) my Lord. 2 If I have found grace in Your

���������������������� sight, first take my spirit that I may go to my fathers and not behold the destruction

���������������������� of my mother. For two things vehemently constrain me: for I cannot resist you, and

���������������������� my soul, moreover, cannot behold the evils of my mother. 4 But one thing I will say

���������������������� in Your presence, O Lord. 5 What, therefore, will there be after these things? for if

���������������������� you destroy Your city, and deliver up Your land to those that hate us, how shall the

���������������������� name of Israel be again remembered? 6 Or how shall one speak of Your praises? or

���������������������� to whom shall that which is in Your law be explained? Or shall the world return to its

���������������������� nature of aforetime), and the age revert to primeval silence? And shall the multitude

������������ ����������of souls be taken away, and the nature of man not again be named? And where is all

���������������������� that which you did say regarding us?'

���������������������� 4 1 And the Lord said unto me:

������������������ ������������'This city shall be delivered up for a time,

������������������������������ And the people shall be chastened during a time,

������������������������������ And the world will not be given over to oblivion.

������������������������������������������� 4:2‑7. The heavenly Jerusalem

���������������������� 2 [Dost you think that this is that city of which I said: "On the palms of My hands

���������������������� have I graven you"? 3 This building now built in your midst is not that which is

���������������������� revealed with Me, that which prepared beforehand here from the time when I took

���������������������� counsel to make Paradise, and showed Adam before he sinned, but when he

���������������������� transgressed the commandment it was removed from him, as also Paradise. 4 And

���������������������� after these things I showed it to My servant Abraham by night among the portions of

���������������������� the victims. 5 And again also I showed it to Moses on Mount Sinai when I showed to

���������������������� the likeness of the tabernacle and all its vessels. 6 And now, behold, it is preserved

���������������������� with Me, as Paradise. 7 Go, therefore, and do as I command you.']

�������������������������������������� 5. Baruch's Complaint and God's Reassurance

���������������������� 5 1��� And I answered and said:

������������������������������ 'So then I am destined to grieve for Zion,

������������������������������ For your enemies will come to this place and pollute Your sanctuary,

������������������������������ And lead your inheritance into captivity,

������������������������������ And make themselves masters of those whom you have loved,

������������������������������ And they will depart again to the place of their idols,

������������������������������ And will boast before them:

������������������������������ And what will you do for Your great name?'

��������� �������������2������ And the Lord said unto me:

������������������������������ 'My name and My glory are unto all eternity;

������������������������������ And My judgment shall maintain its right in its own time.

���������������������� 3���� And you shall see with your eyes

������������������������������ That the enemy will not overthrow Zion,

������������������������������ Nor shall they burn Jerusalem,

������������������������������ But be the ministers of the Judge for the time.

��������������������� �4����� But do you go and do whatsoever I have said unto you.

���������������������� 5������ And I went and took Jeremiah, and Adu, and Seriah, and Jabish, and Gedaliah,

���������������������� and all the honorable men of the people, and I led them to the valley of Kidron, and I

���������������������� narrated to them all that had been said to me. 6 And they lifted up their voice, and

���������������������� they all wept. 7 And we sat there and fasted until the evening.

���������� ���������������6�8. Invasion of the Chaldeans and their Entrance into the City after the

��������������������������� Sacred Vessels were hidden and the City's Walls overthrown by Angels

���������������������� 6 1 And it came to pass on the morrow that, lo! the army of the Chaldees surrounded

���������������������� the city, and at the time of the evening, I, Baruch, left the people, and I went forth

���������������������� and stood by the oak. 2 And I was grieving over Zion, and lamenting over the

���������������������� captivity which had come upon the people. 3 And lo! suddenly a strong spirit raised

���������������������� me, and bore me aloft over the wall of Jerusalem. 4 And I beheld, and lo! four angels

���������������������� standing at the four corners of the city, each of them holding a torch of fire in his

���������������������� hands. 5 And another angel began to descend from heaven. and said unto them: 'Hold

���������������������� your lamps, and do not light them till I tell you. 6 For I am first sent to speak a word

���������������������� to the earth, and to place in it what the Lord the Most High has commanded me.' 7

���������������������� And I saw him descend into the Holy of Holies, and take from there the veil, and

���������������������� holy ark, and the mercy‑seat, and the two tables, and the holy raiment of the priests,

���������������������� and the altar of incense, and the forty‑eight precious stones, wherewith the priest

���������������������� was adorned and all the holy vessels of the tabernacle. 8 And he spoke to the earth

���������������������� with a loud voice:

������������������������������ 'Earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the mighty God,

������������������������������ And receive what I commit to you,

������������������������������ And guard them until the last times,

������������������������������ So that, when you are ordered, you may restore them,

������������������������������ So that strangers may not get possession of them.

���������������������� 9������ For the time comes when Jerusalem also will be delivered for a time,

������������������������������ Until it is said, that it is again restored for ever.'

���������������������� 10���� And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up.

���������������������� 7 1 And after these things I heard that angel saying unto those angels who held the

���������������������� lamps: 'Destroy, therefore, and overthrow its wall to its foundations, lest the enemy

���������������������� should boast and say:

������������������������������ " We have overthrown the wall of Zion,

������������������������������ And we have burnt the place of the mighty God."'

���������������������� 2�� ����And they have seized the place where I had been standing before.

���������������������� 8 1 Now the angels did as he had commanded them, and when they had broken up the

���������������������� corners of the walls, a voice was heard from the interior of the temple, after the wall

���������������������� had fall saying:

���������������������� 2������ 'Enter, you enemies,

������������������������������ And come, you adversaries;

�������������������������� ����For he who kept the house has forsaken (it).'

���������������������� 3������ And I, Baruch, departed. 4 And it came to pass after these things that the army

���������������������� of the Chaldees entered and seized the house, and all that was around it. And they led

���������������������� the people away captive and slew some of them, and bound Zedekiah the king, and

���������������������� sent him to the king of Babylon.

����������������������� 9�12. First Fast of seven Days: Baruch to remain amid the Ruins of Jerusalem

��������������������������� and Jeremiah to accompany the Exiles to Babylon. Baruch's Dirge over

���������������������������������������������������� Jerusalem

���������������������� 9 1 And I, Baruch, came, and Jeremiah, whose heart was found pure from sins, who

���������������������� had not been captured in the seizure of the City. 2 And we rent our garments, we

���������������������� wept, and mourned, and fasted seven days.

���������������������� 10 1 And it came to pass after seven days, that the word of God carne to me, and

���������������������� said unto me: 2 'Tell Jeremiah to go and support the captivity of the people unto

���� ������������������Babylon. But do you remain here amid the desolation of Zion, and I will show to you

���������������������� after these days 'what will befall at the end of days.' And I said to Jeremiah as the

���������������������� Lord commanded me. And he, indeed, departed with the people, but I, Baruch,

���������������������� returned and sat before the gates of the temple, and I lamented with the following

���������������������� lamentation over Zion and said:

��������������� �������6�� 'Blessed is he who was not born,

���������������������������� Or he, who having been born, has died.

���������������������� 7��� But as for us who live, woe unto us,

���������������������������� Because we see the afflictions of Zion,

�������� ��������������������And what has befallen Jerusalem.

���������������������� 8��� I will call the Sirens from the sea,

���������������������������� And you Lilin, come you from the desert,

���������������������������� And you Shedim and dragons from the forests:

���������������������������� Awake and gird up your loins unto mourning,

���������������������������� And take up with me the dirges,

���������������������������� And make lamentation with me.

���������������������� 9��� Ye husbandmen, sow not again;

���������������������������� And, O earth, wherefore give� you your harvest fruits?

���������������������������� Keep within you the sweets of your sustenance.

���������������������� 10� And thou, vine, why further do you give your wine;

���������������� ������������For an offering will not again be made from there in Zion,

���������������������������� Nor will first‑fruits again be offered.

���������������������� 11���� And do ye, O heavens, 'withhold your dew,

������������������������������ And open not the treasuries of rain:

���������������������� 12���� And do thou, O sun withhold the light of your rays.

������������������������������ And do thou, O moon, extinguish the multitude of your light;

������������������������������ For why should light rise again

������������������������������ Where the light of Zion is darkened?

���������������������� 13���� And you, you bridegrooms, enter not in,

������������������������������ And let not the brides adorn themselves with garlands;

������������������������� �����And, you women, pray not that you may bear.

���������������������� 14���� For the barren shall above all rejoice,

������������������������������ And those who have no sons shall be glad,

������������������������������ And those who have sons shall have anguish.

���������������������� 15���� For why should they bear in pain,

������������������������������ Only to bury in grief?

���������������������� 16���� Or why, again, should mankind have sons?

������������������������������ Or why should the seed of their kind again be named,

������������������������������ Where this mother is desolate,

������������������������������ And her sons are led into captivity?

���������������������� 17���� From this time forward speak not of beauty,

���������������������� ��������And discourse not of gracefulness.

���������������������� 18���� Moreover, you priests) take you the keys of the sanctuary,

������������������������������ And cast them into the height of heaven,

������������������������������ And give them to the Lord and say:

������������������������������ "Guard Your house Thyself,

������������������������������ For lo! we are found false stewards."

���������������������� 19���� And you, you virgins; who weave fine linen

������������������������������ And silk with gold of Ophir,

������������������������������ Take with haste all (these) things

������������������������������ And cast (them) into the fire,

������������������������������ That it may bear them to Him who made them,

������������������������������ And the flame send them to Him who created them,

������������������������������ Lest the enemy get possession of them.'

���������������������� 11 1 Moreover, I, Baruch, say this against you, Babylon:

������������������������������ 'If you had prospered,

������������������������������ And Zion had dwelt in her glory,

������������������������������ Yet the grief to us had been great

������������������������������ That you should be equal to Zion.

���������������������� 2������ But now, lo! the grief is infinite,

������������������������������ And the lamentation measureless,

������������������������������ For lo! you are prospered

������������������������������ And Zion desolate.

���������������������� 3������ Who will be judge regarding these things?

������������������������������ Or to whom shall we complain regarding that which has befallen us?

������������������������������ O Lord, how have you borne (it)?

���������������������� 4������ Our fathers went to rest without grief,

����� �������������������������And lo! the righteous sleep in the earth in tranquility;

���������������������� 5������ For they knew not this anguish,

������������������������������ Nor yet had they heard of that which had befallen us.

���������������������� 6 ������Would that you had ears, O earth,

������������������������������ And that you had a heart, O dust:

������������������������������ That you might go and announce in Sheol,

������������������������������ And say to the dead:

���������������������� 7� �����"Blessed are you more than we who live."'

������������������������������������������������������� OXYRHYNCHUS GREEK FRAGMENT,

������������������������������������������������������� from Grenfell and Hunt's

������������������������������������������������������� Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. iii. 3‑7, 1903.

������������������������������������������������������� Verso.

���������������������� 12 1 But I will say this as I think.

���������������������� And I will speak against you, O land,

���������������������� which alt prospering.

���������������������� 2 The noonday does not always burn.

���������������������� Nor do the rays of the sun constantly

���������������������� give light.

������������������� ���3 Do not expect Land hope] that you

���������������������� will always he prosperous and

���������������������� rejoicing.

���������������������� And be not greatly up lifted and

���������������������� boastful.

���������������������� 4 For assuredly in its own season shall

���������������������� the (divine) wrath awake against you.

���������������������� Which now in long‑suffering is held in

���������������������� as it were by reins.

���������������������������������������� ����������������(2‑5) 12 1 But I will say this as 1 think,

������������������������������������������������������� And speak against you, the land that is

������������������������������������������������������� prospering.

������������������������������ ��������������������������2������ Not always does the noonday burn,

���������������������������������������������������������������� Nor do the rays of the sun constantly

������������������������������������������������������� give light.

�������������� ������������������������������������������(6‑8) 3 And do not you expect to

��������������������������������������������������������������� rejoice,

������������������������������������������������������� Nor condemn greatly.

������������������������������������������������������� (8‑10) 4 For assuredly in its season shall

������������������������������������������������������� the (divine) wrath be awakened against you,

������������������������ ��������������������������������Which is now restrained by long‑suffering

������������������������������������������������������� as it were by a rein.

���������������������� 12:5�13. Second Fast. Revelation as to the coming judgment on the Heathen.

���������������������� 5 And when I had said these things, I

���������������������� fasted seven days.

������������������������������ 13 1 And it came to pass after these

������������� ���������things, that I, Baruch, was standing upon

���������������������� Mount Zion, and lo! a voice came from

���������������������� the height and said unto me: 2 'Stand upon

���������������������� your feet, Baruch, and hear the word of

�������������� ��������the mighty God.'

��������������������������������������������������������� (10‑16) 5 And having said these things I

��������������������������������������������������������� fasted seven days.

��������������������������������������������������������� 13 1 And it came to pass after these

��������������������������������������������������������� things that I, Baruch, was standing upon

������������������������������������������������� ��������Mount Zion, and lo a voice came forth

��������������������������������������������������������� from the height and said unto me:

��������������������������������������������������������� 2 'Stand upon your feet, Baruch, and hear

��������������� �������������������������������������������the word of the mighty God.'

���������������������� 3 Because you have been astonished at what has befallen Zion, you shall therefore

���������������������� be assuredly preserved to the consummation of the times, that you may be for a

���������������������� testimony. 4 So that, if ever those prosperous cities say: 5 'Why hath the mighty

���������������������� God brought upon us this retribution?' Say you to them, you and those like you who

���������������������� shall have seen this evil: '(This is the evil) and retribution which is coming upon you

���������������������� and upon your people in its (destined) time that the nations may be thoroughly

���������������������� smitten. 6 And then they shall be in anguish. 7 And if they say at that time:

���������������������� 8������ For how long? you will say to them:

������������������������������ "Ye who have drunk the strained wine,

������������������������������ Drink you also of its dregs,

������������������������������ The judgment of the Lofty One

������������������������������ Who has no respect of persons."'

���������������������� 9������ On this account he had aforetime no mercy on His own sons,

������������ ������������������But afflicted them as His enemies, because they sinned,

���������������������� 10���� Then therefore were they chastened

������������������������������ That they might be sanctified.

���� ����������������������������������������������������OXYRHYNCHUS GREEK FRAGMENT

������������������������������������������������������� Recto

���������������������� 11���� But now, you peoples and nations,

���������������������� you are guilty

���������� ���������������������Because you have always trodden

���������������������� down the earth,

������������������������������� And used the creation

���������������������� unrighteously.

���������������������� 12���� For I have always benefited you.

������� �����������������������And you have always been

���������������������� ungrateful for the bene_ficence.

������������������������������������������������������� (19‑20) 11 (Ye) peoples and . . .

� �������������������������������������������������������������(Ye) have trodden down the earth

������������������������������������������������������������� And misused the created things

������������������������������������������������������� in it.

��� �����������������������������������������������������(21‑22) 12 For you were always being

������������������������������������������������������� benefited

������������������������������������������������������������� But you were always ungrateful.

����������������������� 14�19. The Righteousness of the Righteous has profited neither them nor their

������������������������� City; God's Judgments are incomprehensible; the World was made for the

���������������������� Righteous, yet they pass and the World remains (14). Answer�Man knows God's

����������������������� Judgments and has sinned willingly. This World is a Weariness to the Righteous

������������������������ but the next is theirs (15), to be won through Character whether a Man's Time

������������������������� here be long or short (16�17). Final Weal or Woe�the supreme Question

����������������������������������������������������� (18�19).

������������������������������� ������������������������OXYRHYNCHUS GREEK FRAGMENT

������������������������������������������������������ Recto

���������������������� 14 1 And I answered and said: 'Lo!

���������������������� you have shown me the method of the

���������������������� times, and that which shall be after

���������������������� these things, and you have said unto

���������������������� me, that the retribution, which has

���������������������� been spoken of by you, shall come

���������������������� upon the nations. 2 And now I know

���������������������� that those who have sinned are many,

���������������������� and they have lived in prosperity,' and

���������������������� departed from the world, but the few

���������������������� nations will be left in those times, to

���������������������� whom those words shall he said which

���������������������� you did say. 3 For what advantage is

���������������������� there in this, or what (evil), worse

���������������������� than what' we have seen befall us, are

���������� ������������we to expect to see?

������������������������������������������������������ (23‑25) 14 1 And I answered and said:

������������������������������������������������������ 'Behold, you have shown me the methods of

������������������������������ �������������������������the times, and that which shall be.

������������������������������������������������������ (25‑27) And you have said unto me that the

������������������������������������������������������ retribution which was spoken of by you shall

������������������������������������������������������ be endured by the nations.

������������������������������������������������������ (27‑32) 2 And now I know that those who

������������������������������������������������������ have sinned are many, and they have lived . . . ,

������������������������������������������������������ and departed from the world, but that few

������������������������������������������������������ nations will be left in those times to whom . .

������������������ �������������������������������������. the words (which) you did say.

������������������������������������������������������ (32‑33) 3 And what advantage (is there) in

������������������������������������������������������ this or what worse than (these?)

���������������������� 4 But again I will speak in Your presence: 5 What have they profited who had

���������������������� knowledge before you and have not walked in vanity as the rest of the nations, and

��������������������� �have not said to the dead: "Give us life," but always feared you, and have not left

���������������������� Your ways? 6 And lo! they have been carried off, nor on their account have you had

���������������������� mercy on Zion. 7 And if others did evil, it was due to Zion that on account of the

���������������������� works of those who wrought good works she should be forgiven, and should not be

���������������������� overwhelmed on account of the works of those who wrought unrighteousness. 8 But

�������� ��������������who, O LORD, my Lord, will comprehend Your judgment,

������������������������������ Or who will search out the profoundness of Your way?

������������������������������ Or who will think out the weight of Your path?

���������������������� 9������ Or who will be able to think out Your incomprehensible counsel?

������������������������������ Or who of those that are born has ever found

������������������������������ The beginning or end of Your wisdom?

���������������� ������10��� For we have all been made like a breath. 11 For as the breath ascends

���������������������� involuntarily, and again dies, so it is with the nature of men, who depart not

���������������������� according to their own will, and know not what will befall them in the end. 12 For

���������������������� the righteous justly hope for the end, and without fear depart from this habitation,

���������������������� because they have with you a store of works preserved in treasuries. 13 On this

��������� �������������account also these without fear leave this world, and trusting with joy they hope to

���������������������� receive the world which you have promised them. 14 But as for us�woe to us, who

���������������������� also are now shamefully entreated, and at that time look forward (only) to evils. 15

���������������������� But you know accurately what you have done by means of Your servants; for we are

���������������������� not able to understand that which is good as you art, our Creator. 16 But again I will

���������������������� speak in Your presence, O LORD, my Lord. 17 When of old there was no world

���������������������� with its inhabitants, you did devise and speak with a word, and forthwith the works of

���������������������� creation stood before you. 18 And you did say that you wouldst make for Your

���������������������� world man as the administrator of Your works, that it might be known that he was by

���������������������� no means made on account of the world, but the world on account of him. 19 And

���������������������� now I see that as for the world which was made on account of us, lo! it abides; but

���������������������� we, on account of whom it was made, depart.'

���������������������� 15 1 And the Lord answered and said unto me: 'You are rightly astonished regarding

���������������������� the departure of man, but you have not judged well regarding the evils which befall

���������������������� those who sin. 2 And as regards what you have said, that the righteous are carried off

���������������������� and the impious are prospered, 3 And as regards what you have said: "Man knows not

���������������������� Your judgment "�On this account hear, and I will speak to you, and hearken, and I

���������������� ������will cause you to hear My words. 5 Man would not rightly have understood My

���������������������� judgment, unless he had accepted the law, and I had instructed him in understanding.

���������������������� 6 But now, because he transgressed wittingly, yea, just on this ground that he knows

���������������������� (about it), he shall be tormented.

���������������������� 7 And as regards what you did say touching the righteous, that on account of them

���������������������� has this world come, so also again shall that, which is to come, come on their

���������������������� account. 8 For this world is to them a strife and a labor with much trouble; and that

���������������������� accordingly which is to come, a crown with great glory.'

���������������������� 16 1 And I answered and said: '0 LORD, my Lord, lo! the years of this time are few

���������������������� and evil, and who is able in his little time to acquire that which is measureless?'

���������������������� 17 1 And the Lord answered and said unto me: 'With the Most High account is not

���������������������� taken of time nor of a few years. 2 For what did it profit Adam that he lived nine

���������������������� hundred and thirty years and transgressed that which he was commanded? Therefore

���������������������� the multitude of time that he lived did not profit him, but brought death and cut off

���������������������� the years of those who were born from him. wherein did Moses suffer loss in that

���������������������� he lived only one hundred and twenty years, and, inasmuch he was subject to Him

���������������������� who formed him, brought the law to the seed of Jacob, and lighted a lamp for the

������������������ ����nation of Israel?'

���������������������� 18 1 And I answered and said: 'He that lighted has taken from the light, and there are

���������������������� but few that have imitated him. But those many whom he has lighted have taken from

���������������������� the darkness of Adam and have not rejoiced in the light of the lamp.'

���������������������� 19 And He answered and said unto me: 'Wherefore at that time he appointed for

���������������������� them a covenant and said:

������������������������������ "Behold I have placed before you life and death,"

������������������������������ And he called heaven and earth to witness against them.

���������������������� 2������ For he knew that his time was but short,

������������������������������ But that heaven and earth endure always.

���������������������� 3������ But after his death they sinned and transgressed,

������������������������������ Though they knew that they had the law reproving (them),

������������������������������ And the light in which nothing could err,

������������������������������ Also the spheres which testify, and Me.

���������������������� 4 Now regarding everything that is, it is I that judge, but do not you take counsel in

���������������������� your soul regarding these things, nor afflict thyself because of those which have

���������������������� been. 5 For now it is the consummation of time that should be considered, whether

��� �������������������of business, or of prosperity, or of shame and not the beginning thereof. 6 Because

���������������������� if a man be prospered in his beginnings and shamefully entreated in his old age, he

���������������������� forgets all the prosperity that he had. 7 And again, if a man is shamefully entreated

���������������������� in his beginnings, and at his end is prospered, he remembers not again his evil

���������������������� entreatment. 8 And again hearken: though each one were prospered all that time�all

���������������������� the time from the day on which death was decreed against those who

���������������������� transgress�and in his end was destroyed, in vain would have been everything.'

���������������������������� 20. Zion has been taken away to hasten the Advent of the Judgment

���������������������� 20 1��� 'Therefore, behold! the days come,

������������������������������ And the times shall hasten more than the former,

������������������������������ And the seasons shall speed on more than those that are past,

������������������������������ And the years shall pass more quickly than the present (years).

�������������������� ������2 Therefore have I now taken away Zion,

������������������������������ That I may the more speedily visit the world in its season.

������������������������� 3�� Now therefore hold fast in your heart everything that I command you,

����������������� �������������And seal it in the recesses of your mind.

������������������������� 4�� And then I will show you the judgment of My might,

������������������������������ And My ways which are unsearchable.

����������������������� ��5 Go therefore and sanctify thyself seven days, and eat no bread, nor drink water,

������������������������� nor speak to anyone.� 6 And afterwards come to that place and I will reveal

������������������������� Myself to you, and speak true things with you, and I will give you commandment

������������������������� regarding the method of the times; for they are coming and tarry not.'

������������������������������� 21:1‑11. Fast of seven Days: Baruch's Prayer: God's Answer

����������������������������������������� The Prayer of Baruch the Son of Neriah.

���������������������� 21 1 And I went there and sat in the valley of Kidron in a cave of the earth, and I

���������������������� sanctified my soul there, and I ate no bread, yet I was not hungry, and I drank no

���������������������� water, yet I thirsted not, and I was there till the seventh day, as He had commanded

���� ������������������me. 2 And afterwards I came to that place where He had spoken with me. 3 And it

���������������������� came to pass at sunset that my soul took much thought, and I began to speak in the

���������������������� presence of the Mighty One, and said: 4 'O you that have made the earth, hear me,

���������������������� that have fixed the firmament by the word, and have made firm the height of the

���������������������� heaven by the spirit, that have called from the beginning of the world that which did

���������������������� not yet exist, and they obey you. 5 you that have commanded the air by Your nod,

���������������������� and have seen those things which are to be as those things which you are doing. 6

���������������������� you that rule with great thought the hosts that stand before you: also the countless

���������������������� holy beings, which you did make from the beginning, of flame and fire, which stand

���������������������� around Your throne you rule with indignation. 7 To you only does this belong that

���������������������� you should do forthwith whatsoever you do wish. 8 Who causes the drops of rain to

���������������������� rain by number upon the earth, and alone knows the consummation of the times

���������������������� before they come; have respect unto my prayer. For 9 you alone are able to sustain

���������������������� all who are, and those who have passed away, and those who are to be, those who sin,

���������������������� and those who are to righteous [as living (and) being past finding out]. For you alone

���������������������� do live immortal and past finding out, and know the number of mankind. And if in

���������������������� time many have sinned, yet others not a few have been righteous.

�������������������������������������� 21:12‑18. Baruch's Depreciation of this Life.

���������������������� 12 you know where you preserve the end of those who have sinned, or the

��������������������� �consummation of those who have been righteous. 2 For if there were this life only,

���������������������� which belongs to all men, nothing could be more bitter than this.

���������������������� 14����� For of what profit is strength that turns to sickness,

���������������������������� Or fullness of food that turns to famine,

���������������������������� Or beauty that turns to ugliness.

���������������������� 15 For the nature of man is always changeable.� 16 For what we were formerly now

���������������������� we no longer are and what we now are we shall not afterwards remain. 16 For if a

���������������������� consummation had not been prepared for all, in vain would have been their

������������ ����������beginning. But regarding everything that comes from you do you inform me, and

���������������������� regarding everything about which I ask you, do you enlighten me.

���������������������� 21:19‑25. Baruch prays to God to hasten the Judgment and fulfill His Promise

���������������������� 19 How long will that which is corruptible remain, and how long will the time of

���������������������� mortals be prospered, and until what time will those who transgress in the world be

���������������������� polluted with much wickedness? 20 Command therefore in mercy and accomplish

���������������������� all that you saidst you wouldst bring, that Your might may be made known to those

� ���������������������who think that Your long‑suffering is weakness. 21 And show to those who know

���������������������� not, that everything that has befallen us and our city until now has been according to

���������������������� the long‑suffering of Your power, because on account of Your name you have called

���������������������� us a beloved people. 22 Bring to an end therefore henceforth mortality. 23 And

���������������������� reprove accordingly the angel of death, and let Your glory appear, and let the might

���������������������� of Your beauty be known, and let Sheol be sealed so that from this time forward it

���������������������� may not receive the dead, and let the treasuries of souls restore those which are

���������������������� enclosed in them. 24 For there have been many years like those that are desolate

���������������������� from the days of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and of all those who are like them,

���������������������� who sleep in the earth, on whose account you did say that you had created the world.

���������������������� 25 And now quickly show Your glory, and do not defer what has been promised by

���������������������� you.' 26 And (when) I had completed the words of this prayer I was greatly

���������������������� weakened.

���������������������� 22�23. God's Reply to Baruch's Prayer. He will fulfill His Promise: Time needed

���������������������������� for its Accomplishment:� Things must be judged in the Light of their

��������������������������� Consummation (22). Till all Souls are born the End cannot come (23).

���������������������� 22 1 And it came to pass after these things that lo! the heavens were opened, and I

���������������������� saw, and power was given to me, and a voice was beard from on high, and it said unto

���������������������� me: 2 Baruch, Baruch, why are you troubled? 3 He who travels by a road but does

���������������������� not complete it, or who departs by sea but does not arrive at the port, can he be

���������������������� comforted? 4 Or he who promises to give a present to another, but does not fulfill

���������������������� it, is it not robbery? 5 Or he who sows the earth, but does not reap its fruit in its

������ ����������������season, does he not lose everything? 6 Or he who plants a plant unless it grows till

���������������������� the time suitable to it, does he who planted it expect to receive fruit from it? 7 Or a

���������������������� woman who has conceived, if she bring forth untimely, does she not assuredly slay

���������������������� her infant? 8 Or he who builds a house, if he does not roof it and complete it, can it

���������������������� be called a house? Tell Me that first.'

���������������������� 23 1 And I answered and said: Not so, O LORD, my Lord.' 2 And He answered and

���������������������� said unto me: 'Why therefore are you troubled about that which you know not, and

���������������������� why are you ill at ease about things in which you are ignorant? 3 For as you have not

���������������������� forgotten the people who now are and those who have passed away, so I remember

���������������������� those who are appointed to come. 4 Because when Adam sinned and death was

���������������������� decreed against those who should be born, then the multitude of those who should

���������������������� be born was numbered, and for that number a place was prepared where the living

���������������������� might dwell and the dead might be guarded. Before therefore the number aforesaid

���������������������� is fulfilled, the creature will not live again [for My spirit is the creator of life], and

���������������������� Sheol will receive the dead. 6 And again it is given to you to hear what things are to

���������������������� come after these times. 7 For truly My redemption has drawn nigh, and is not far

���������������������� distant as aforetime.

����������������������������� ������������������24. The coming Judgment

���������������������� 24 1 'For behold! the days come and the books shall be opened in which are written

���������������������� the sins of all those who have sinned, and again also the treasuries in which the

���������������������� righteousness of all those who have been righteous in creation is gathered. 2 For it

���������������������� shall come to pass at that time that you shall see�and the many that are with

���������������������� you�the long‑suffering of the Most High, which has been throughout all

���������������������� generations, who has been long‑suffering towards all who are born, (alike) those

���������������������� who sin and (those who) are righteous.' 3 And I answered and said: 'But, behold! O

���������������������� Lord, no one knows the number of those things which have passed nor yet of those

���������������������� things which are to come. 4 For I know indeed that which has befallen us, but what

���������������������� will happen to our enemies I know not, and when you will visit Your works.'

���������������������������������������� 25�26. Sign of the coming Judgment

���������������������� 25 1 And He answered and said unto me: 'You too shall be preserved till that time

���������������������� till that sign which the Most High will work for the inhabitants of the earth in the

���������������������� end of days. 2 This therefore shall be the sign. 3 When a stupor shall seize the

���������������������� inhabitants of the earth, and they shall fall into many tribulations, and again when

���������������������� they shall fall into great torments. And it will come to pass when they say in their

����� �����������������thoughts by reason of their much tribulation: "The Mighty 'One doth no longer

���������������������� remember the earth"�yes, it will come to pass when they abandon hope, that the

���������������������� time will then awake.'

���������������������� 26 1 And I answered and said: 'Will that tribulation which is to be continue a long

���������������������� time, and will that necessity embrace many years?'

������������ �����������26‑30. The Twelve Woes that are to Come upon the Earth: The Messiah and the

������������������������������������������� temporary Messianic Kingdom

���������������������� 27 1 And He answered and said unto me: 'Into twelve parts is that time divided, and

���������������������� each one of them is reserved for that which is appointed for it. 2 In the first part

���������������������� there shall be the begin_ning of commotions. 3 And in the second part (there shall

����� �����������������be) slayings of the great ones. 4 And in the third part the fall of many by death. 5

���������������������� And in the fourth part the sending of the sword. 6 And in the fifth part famine and the

���������������������� withholding of rain. 7 And in the sixth part earthquakes and terrors. 8 [Wanting.] 9

���������������������� And in the eighth part a multitude of specters and attacks of the Shedim. 10 And in

���������������������� the ninth part the fall of fire. 11 And in the tenth part rapine and much oppression.

���������������������� 12 And in the eleventh part wickedness and unchastity. 13 And in the twelfth part

���������������������� confusion from the mingling together of all those things aforesaid. 14 For these

��������������������� �parts of that time are reserved, and shall be mingled one with another and minister

���������������������� one to another. 15 For some shall leave out some of their own, and receive (in its

���������������������� stead) from others, and some complete their own and that of others, so that those

���������������������� may not understand who are upon the earth in those days that this is the

���������������������� consummation of the times.

���������������������� 28 1 Nevertheless, whoever understands shall then be wise. 2 For the measure and

���������������������� reckoning of that time are two parts a week of seven weeks.' 3 And I answered and

���������������������� said: 'It is good for a man to come and behold, but it is better that he should not

���������������������� come lest he fall. 4 [But I will say this also: 5 Will he who is incorruptible despise

���������������������� those things which are corruptible, and whatever befalls in the case of those things

���������������������� which are corruptible, so that he might look only to those things which are not

���������������������� corruptible?] 6 But if; O Lord, those things shall assuredly come to pass which you

���������������������� have foretold to me, so do you show this also unto me if indeed I have found grace

���������������������� in Your sight. 7 Is it in one place or in one of the parts of the earth that those things

���������������������� are come to pass, or will the whole earth experience (them) ?'

���������������������� 29 1 And He answered and said unto me: 'Whatever will then befall (will befall) the

���������������������� whole earth; therefore all who live will experience (them). 2 For at that time I will

���������������������� protect only those who are found in those self‑same days in this land. 3 And it shall

���������������������� come to pass when all is accomplished that was to come to pass in those parts, that

���������������������� the Messiah shall then begin to be revealed. 4 And Behemoth shall be revealed from

���������������������� his place and Leviathan shall ascend from the sea, those two great monsters which I

���������������������� created on the fifth day of creation, and shall have kept until that time; and then they

����� �����������������shall be for food for all that are left. 5 The earth also shall yield its fruit

���������������������� ten‑thousandfold and on each (?) vine there shall be a thousand branches, and each

���������������������� branch shall produce a thousand clusters, and each cluster produce a thousand

���������������������� grapes, and each grape produce a cor of wine. 6 And those who have hungered shall

���������������������� rejoice: moreover, also, they shall behold marvels every day. 7 For winds shall go

���������������������� forth from before Me to bring every morning the fragrance of aromatic fruits, and at

���������������������� the close of the day clouds distilling the dew of health. 8 And it shall come to pass

���������������������� at that self‑same time that the treasury of manna shall again descend from on high,

���������������������� and they will eat of it in those years, because these are they who have come to the

���������������������� consummation of time.

������ ����������������30 1 And it shall come to pass after these things, when the time of the advent of the

���������������������� Messiah is fulfilled, that He shall return in glory.

��������������������������� ��������������������30:2‑5. The Resurrection

���������������������� 2 Then all who have fallen asleep in hope of Him shall rise again. And it shall come

���������������������� to pass at that time that the treasuries will be opened in which is preserved the

���������������������� number of the souls of the righteous, and they shall come forth, and a multitude of

���������������������� souls shall be seen together in one assemblage of one thought, and the first shall

��������������� �������rejoice and the last shall not be grieved. 3 For they know that the time has come of

���������������������� which it is said, that it is the consummation of the times. 4 But the souls of the

���������������������� wicked, when they behold all these things, shall then waste away the more. 5 For

���������������������� they shall know that their torment has come and their perdition has arrived.'

�������������������������� 31�33. Baruch exhorts the People to prepare themselves for worse Evils

���������������������� 31 1 And it came to pass after these things: that I went to the people and said unto

���������������������� them: 'Assemble unto me all your elders and I will speak words unto them.' 2 And

���������������������� they all assembled in the valley of the Kidron. 3 And I answered and said unto them:

���������������������������� Hear, O Israel, and I will speak to you,

���������������������������� And give ear, O seed of Jacob, and I will instruct you.

���������������������� 4������� Forget not Zion,

���������������������������� But hold in remembrance the anguish of Jerusalem.

���������������������� 5������� For lo! the days come,

�������������������� ��������When everything that is shall become the prey of corruption

���������������������������� And be as though it had not been.

���������������������� 32 1 'But as for you, if you prepare your hearts, so as to sow in them the fruits of

���������������������� the law, it shall protect you in that time in which the Mighty One is to shake the

���������������������� whole creation. 2 [Because after a little time the building of Zion will be shaken in

���������������������� order that it may be built again. But that building will not remain, but will again after

���������������������� a time be rooted out, and will remain desolate until the time. 4 And afterwards it

���������������������� must be renewed in glory, and perfected for evermore.] 5 Therefore we should not

���������������������� be distressed so much over the evil which has now come as over that which is still to

���������������������� be. 6 For there will be a greater trial than these two tribulations when the Mighty

���� ������������������One will renew His creation. 7 And now do not draw near to me for a few days, nor

���������������������� seek me till I come to you.' 8 And it came to pass when I had spoken to them all

���������������������� these words, that I, Baruch, went my way, and when the people saw me setting out,

���������������������� they lifted up their voice and lamented and said : 9 To where are you departing from

���������������������� us, Baruch, and are you forsaking us as a father who forsakes his orphan children,

���������������������� and departs from them?

���������������������� 33 1 'Are these the commands which your companion, Jeremiah the prophet,

���������������������� commanded you, and said unto you: "Look to this people till I go and make ready the

���������������������� rest of the brethren in Babylon against whom has gone forth the sentence that they

���������������������� should be led into captivity"? And now if you also forsake us, it were good for us all

��������� �������������to die before you, and then that you should withdraw from us.'

��������������������������������������������� 34�35. Lament of Baruch

���������������������� 34 And I answered and said unto the people: 'Far be it from me to forsake you or to

���������������������� withdraw from you, but I will only go unto the Holy of Holies to inquire of the

���������������������� Mighty One concerning you and concerning Zion, if in some respect I should

���������������������� receive more illumination: and after these things I will return to you.

���������������������� 35 1 And I, Baruch, went to the holy place, and sat down upon the ruins and wept, and

�������� ��������������said:

���������������������� 2������� 'O that mine eyes were springs,

���������������������������� And mine eyelids a fount of tears.

���������������������� 3������� For how shall I lament for Zion,

����������������� �����������And how shall I mourn for Jerusalem?

���������������������� 4������� Because in that place where I am now prostrate,

���������������������������� Of old the high priest offered holy sacrifices,

���������������������������� And placed thereon an incense of fragrant odors.

���������������������� 5������� But now our glorying has been made into dust,

���������������������������� And the desire of our soul into sand.'

��������������������������� 36�37. The Vision of the Forest, the Vine, the Fountain and the Cedar

���������������������� 36 1 And when I had said these things I fell asleep there, and I saw a vision in the

���������������������� night. 2 And lo! a forest of trees planted on the plain, and lofty and rugged rocky

���������������������� mountains surrounded it, and that forest occupied much space. 3 And lo! over

���������������������� against it arose a vine, and from under it there went forth a fountain peacefully. 4

���������������������� Now that fountain came to the forest and was (stirred) into great waves, and those

���������������������� waves submerged that forest, and suddenly they rooted out the greater part of that

���������������������� forest, and overthrew all the mountains which were round about it. 5 And the height

���������������������� of the forest began to be made low, and the top of the mountains was made low and

���������������������� that fountain prevailed greatly, so that it left nothing of that great forest save one

���������������������� cedar only. 6 Also when it had cast it down and had destroyed and rooted out the

���������������������� greater part of that forest, so that nothing was left of it, nor could its place be

������������������� ���recognized, then that vine began to come with the fountain in peace and great

���������������������� tranquility, and it came to a place which was not far from that cedar, and they

���������������������� brought the cedar which had been cast down to it. 7 And I beheld and lo! that vine

���������������������� opened its mouth and spoke and said to that cedar: Art you not that cedar which was

���������������������� left of the forest of wickedness, and by whose means wickedness persisted, and was

������� ���������������wrought all those years, and goodness never. 8 And you kept conquering that which

���������������������� was not yours, and to that which was your you did never show compassion, and you

���������������������� did keep extending your power over those who were far from you, and those who

���������������������� drew near you, you did hold fast in the toils of your wickedness, and you did uplift

���������������������� thyself always as one that could not be rooted out! 9 But now your time has sped and

���������������������� your hour is come. 10 Do you also therefore depart, O cedar, after the forest, which

���������������������� departed before you, and become dust with it, and let your ashes be mingled

���������������������� together. 11 And now recline in anguish and rest in torment till your last time come,

���������������������� in which you will come again, and be tormented still more.'

���������������������� 37 And after these things I saw that cedar burning, and the vine growing, itself and all

���������������������� around it, the plain full of unfading flowers. And I indeed awoke and arose.

����������������������������������������� 38�40. Interpretation of the Vision

���������������������� 38 1 And I prayed and said: 'O LORD, my Lord, you do always enlighten those who

���������������������� are led by understanding. 2 Your law is life, and Your wisdom is right guidance. 3

���������������������� Make known to me therefore the interpretation of this vision. 4 For you know that

���������������������� my soul hath always walked in Your law, and from my (earliest) days I departed not

���������������������� from Your wisdom.'

���������������������� 39 1 And He answered and said unto me: 'Baruch, this is the interpretation of the

���������������������� vision which you have seen. 2 As you have seen the great forest which lofty and

�������� ��������������rugged mountains surrounded, this is the word. 3 Behold! the days come, and this

���������������������� kingdom will be destroyed which once destroyed Zion, and it will be subjected to

���������������������� that which comes after it. 4 Moreover, that also again after a time will be destroyed,

���������������������� and another, a third, will arise, and that also will have dominion for its time, and will

���������������������� be destroyed. 5 And after these things a fourth kingdom will arise, whose power will

���������������������� be harsh and evil far beyond those which were before it, and it will rule many times

���������������������� as the forests on the plain, and it will hold fast for times, and will exalt itself more

����������������� �����than the cedars of Lebanon. 6 And by it the truth will be hidden, and all those who

���������������������� are polluted with iniquity will flee to it, as evil beasts flee and creep into the forest.

���������������������� 7 And it will come to pass when the time of its consummation that it should fall has

���������������������� approached, then the principate of My Messiah will be revealed, which is like the

���������������������� fountain and the vine, and when it is revealed it will root out the multitude of its

���������������������� host. 8 And as touching that which you have seen, the lofty cedar, which was left of

���������������������� that forest, and the fact, that the vine spoke those words with it which you did hear,

���������������������� this is the word.

���������������������� 40 1 The last leader of that time will be left alive, when the multitude of his hosts

���������������������� will be put to the sword, and he will be bound, and they will take him up to Mount

���������������������� Zion, and My Messiah will convict him of all his impieties, and will gather and set

���������������������� before him all the works of his hosts. 2 And afterwards he will put him to death, and

���������������������� protect the rest of My people which shall be found in the place which I have chosen.

���������������������� 3 And his principate will stand for ever, until the world of corruption is at an end,

���������������������� and until the times aforesaid are fulfilled. 4 This is your vision, and this is its

���������������������� interpretation.'

�������������������������������� 41�42. The Destiny of the Apostates and of the Proselytes

�������������������� ��41 1 And I answered and said: 'For whom and for how many shall these things be? or

���������������������� who will be worthy to live at that time? 2 For I will speak before you everything that

���������������������� I think, and I will ask of you regarding those things which I meditate. 3 For lo! I see

���������������������� many of Your people who have withdrawn from Your covenant, and cast from them

���������������������� the yoke of Your law. 4 But others again I have seen who have forsaken their vanity,

���������������������� and fled for refuge beneath Your wings. 5 What therefore will be to them? or how

���������������������� will the last time receive them? 6 Or perhaps the time of these will assuredly be

���������������������� weighed, and as the beam inclines will they be judged accordingly?'

���������������������� 42 1 And He answered and said unto me: 'These things also will I show unto you. 2

���������������������� As for what you did say�"To whom will these things be, and how many (will they

���������������������� be)? "�to those who have believed there shall be the good which was spoken of

���������������������� aforetime, and to those who despise there shall be the contrary of these things. 3

���������������������� And as for what you did say regarding those who have drawn near and those who have

���������������������� withdrawn this in the word. 4 As for those who were before subject, and afterwards

���������������������� withdrew and mingled themselves with the seed of mingled peoples, the time of

���������������������� these was the former, and was accounted as something exalted. 5 And as for those

���������������������� who before knew not but afterwards knew life, and mingled (only) with the seed of

��������������� �������the people which had separated itself, the time of these (is) the latter, and is

���������������������� accounted as something exalted. 6 And time shall succeed to time and season to

���������������������� season, and one shall receive from another, and then with a view to the

���������������������� consummation shall everything be compared according to the measure of the times

���������������������� and the hours of the seasons. 7 For corruption shall take those that belong to it, and

������������� ���������life those that belong to it. 8 And the dust shall be called, and there shall be said to

���������������������� it: "Give back that which is not yours, and raise up all that you have kept until its

���������������������� time".'

���������������������� 43. Baruch told of his Death and bidden to give his last Commands to the People

���������������������� 43 1�� But, do thou, Baruch, direct your heart to that which has been said to you,

������������� ���������������And understand those things which have been shown to you;

���������������������������� For there are many eternal consolations for you.

���������������������� 2������� For you shall depart from this place,

���������������������������� And you shall pass from the regions which are now seen by you,

���������������������������� And you shall forget whatever is corruptible,

���������������������������� And shall not again recall those things which happen among mortals.

� ���������������������3 Go therefore and command your people, and come to this place, and afterwards

���������������������� fast seven days, and then I will come to you and speak with you.'

��������������� ��������44:1‑8; 45�46. Baruch tells the Elders of his impending Death, but encourages

����������������������������������������� them to expect the Consolation of Zion

���������������������� 44 1 And I, Baruch, went from thence, and came to my people, and I called my

���������������������� first‑born son and [the Gedaliahs] my friends, and seven of the elders of the people,

���������������������� and I said unto them:

�������������������������������� Behold, I go unto my fathers

���������������������������� According to the way of all the earth.

���������������������� 3������� But withdraw you not from the way of the law,

���������������������������� But guard and admonish the people which remain,

���������� ������������������Lest they withdraw from the commandments of the Mighty One.

���������������������� 4������� For you see that He whom we serve is just,

���������������������������� And our Creator is no respecter of persons.

���������������������� 5���� ���And see you what hath befallen Zion,

���������������������������� And what hath happened to Jerusalem.

���������������������� 6������� For the judgment of the Mighty One shall (thereby) be made known,

���������������������������� And His ways, which, though past finding out, are right.

���������������������� 7������� For if you endure and persevere in His fear,

���������������������������� And do not forget His law,

���������������������������� The times shall change over you for good.

������������ ����������������And you shall see the consolation of Zion.

���������������������� 8, 9��� Because whatever is now is nothing,

���������������������������� But that which shall be is very great.

���������������������������� For everything that is corruptible shall pass away,

���������������������������� And everything that dies shall depart,

���������������������������� And all the present time shall be forgotten,

���������������������������� Nor shall there be any remembrance of the present time, which is defiled

���������������������� with evils.

���������������������� 10����� For that which runs now runs unto vanity,

���������������������������� And that which prospers shall quickly fall and be humiliated.

���������������������� 11����� For that which is to be shall be the object of desire,

���������������������������� And for that which comes afterwards shall we hope;

���������������������������� For it is a time that passes not away,

���������������������� 12����� And the hour comes which abides for ever.

���������������������������� And the new world (comes) which does not turn to corruption those who

���������������������� depart to its blessedness,

���������������������������� And has no mercy on those who depart to torment,

���������������������� ������And leads not to perdition those who live in it.

���������������������� 13����� For these are they who shall inherit that time which has been spoken of,

�������������������������������� And theirs is the inheritance of the promised time.

����������� �����������14����� These are they who have acquired for themselves treasures of wisdom,

�������������������������������� And with them are found stores of understanding,

�������������������������������� And from mercy have they not withdrawn,

������������ ��������������������And the truth of the law I have they preserved.

���������������������� 15����� For to them shall be given the world to come,

���������������������������� But the dwelling of the rest who are many shall be in the fire.'

���������������������� 45 2 'Do you therefore so far as you are able instruct the people, for that labor is

���������������������� ours. For if you teach them, you will quicken them.'

���������������������� 46 1 And my son and the elders of the people answered and said unto me:

���������������������������� 'Has the Mighty One humiliated us to such a degree

���������������������������� As to take you from us quickly?

���������������������� 2������ �And truly we shall be in darkness,

���������������������������� And there shall be no light to the people who are left,

���������������������� 3������� For where again shall we seek the law,

���������������������������� Or who will distinguish for us between death and life?'

���������������������� 4������� And I said unto them: 'The throne of the Mighty One I cannot resist;

���������������������������� Nevertheless, there shall not be wanting to Israel a wise man

���������������������������� Nor a son of the law to the race of Jacob.

���������������������� 5������� But only prepare you your hearts, that you may obey the law,

���������������������������� And be subject to those who in fear are wise and understanding;

���������������������������� And prepare your souls that you may not depart from them.

���������������������� 6������� For if you do these things, Good tidings shall come unto you.

���������������������� [Which I before told you of; nor shall you fall into the torment, of which I testified

���������������������� to you before.' 7 But with regard to the word that I was to be taken I did not make (it)

���������������������� known to them or to my son.]

���������������������� 47 1 And when I had gone forth and dismissed them, I went there and said unto them:

���������������������� 'Behold! I go to Hebron: for thither the Mighty One hath sent me.' 2 And I came to

���������������������� that place where the word had been spoken unto me, and I sat there, and fasted seven

���������������������� days.

������������������������������������������� 48:1‑47. PRAYER OF BARUCH

���������������������� 48 1 And it came to pass after the seventh day, that I prayed before the Mighty One

���������������������� and said

���������������������� 2������� 'O my Lord, you summon the advent of the times,

���������������������������� And they stand before you;

���������������� ������������You cause the power of the ages to pass away,

���������������������������� And they do not resist you;

�������������������������������� You arrange the method of the seasons,

���������������������������� And they obey you.

������������������ ����3������ You alone know the duration of the generations,

���������������������������� And you reveal not Your mysteries to many.

���������������������� 4������� You make known the multitude of the fire,

���������������������������� And you weigh the lightness of the wind.

���������������������� 5������� You explore the limit of the heights,

���������������������������� And you scrutinize the depths of the darkness.

���������������������� 6������� You care for the number which pass away that they may be preserved, And you

���������������������������� prepare an abode for those that are to be.

���������������������� 7������� You remember the beginning which you have made,

���������������������������� And the destruction that is to be You forget not.

���������������������� 8������� With nods of fear and indignation You command the flames,

���������������������������� And they change into spirits,

���������������������������� And with a word you quicken that which was not,

��������������������������� �And with mighty power you hold that which has not yet come.

���������������������� 9������� You instruct created things in the understanding of you,

���������������������������� And you make wise the spheres so as to minister in their orders.

���������� ������������10����� Armies innumerable stand before you

���������������������������� And minister in their orders quietly at Your nod.

���������������������� 11����� Hear Your servant

���������������������������� And give ear to my petition.

����������� �����������12����� For in a little time are we born,

�������������������������������� And in a little time do we return.

���������������������� 13����� But with you hours are as a time,

�������������������������������� And days as generations.

����������� �����������14����� Be not therefore wroth with man; for he is nothing

���������������������� 15����� And take not account of our works; For what are we?

���������������������������� For lo! by Your gift do we come into the world,

������������������������� �������And we depart not of our own will.

���������������������� 16����� For we said not to our parents, "Beget us,

���������������������������� Nor did we send to Sheol and say, "Receive us."

���������������������� 17����� What therefore is our strength that we should bear Your wrath,

���������������������������� Or what are we that we should endure Your judgment?

���������������������� 18����� Protect us in Your compassions,

�������������������������������� And in Your mercy help us.

������������������ ����19���� Behold the little ones that are subject unto you,

�������������������������������� And save all that draw near unto you:

�������������������������������� And destroy not the hope of our people,

�������������������������������� And cut not short the times of our aid.

���������������������� 20����� For this is the nation which you have chosen,

�������������������������������� And these are the people, to whom you find no equal.

���������������������� 21����� But I will speak now before you,

����� ���������������������������And I will say as my heart thinks.

���������������������� 22����� In you do we trust, for lo! Your law is with us,

���������������������������� And we know that we shall not fall so long as we keep Your statutes.

��������������� �������23���� [To all time are we blessed at all events in this that we have not mingled with

���������������������� the Gentiles.]

���������������������� 24����� For we are all one celebrated people,

���������������������������� Who have received one law from One:

���������������������������� And the law which is amongst us will aid us,

���������������������������� And the surpassing wisdom which is in us will help us.'

���������������������� 25 And when I had prayed and said these things, I was greatly weakened. 26 And He

���������������������� answered and said unto me:

���������������������������� 'You have prayed simply, O Baruch,

���������������������������� And all your words have been heard.

����� �����������������27����� But My judgment exacts its own

���������������������������� And My law exacts its rights.

���������������������� 28����� For from your words I will answer you,

���������������������������� And from your prayer I will speak to you.

���������������������� 29 For this is as follows: he that is corrupted is not at all; he has both wrought

���������������������� iniquity so far as lie could do anything, and has not remembered My goodness, nor

���������� ������������accepted My long‑suffering. 30 Therefore you shall surely be taken up, as I before

���������������������� told you. 31 For that time shall arise which brings affliction; for it shall come and

���������������������� pass by with quick vehemence, and it shall be turbulent coming in the heat of

���������������������� indignation. 32 And it shall come to pass in those days that all the inhabitants of the

���������������������� earth shall be moved one against another, because they know not that My judgment

���������������������� has drawn nigh.

���������������������� 33����� For there shall not be found many wise at that time,

�������������������������������� And the intelligent shall be but a few:

�������������������������� ������Moreover, even those who know shall most of all be silent.

���������������������� 34����� And there shall be many rumors and tidings not a few,

�������������������������������� And the doing of phantasms shall be manifest,

�������������������������� ������And promises not a few be recounted,

�������������������������������� Some of them (shall prove) idle,

�������������������������������� And some of them shall be confirmed.

���������������������� 35����� And honor shall be turned into shame,

������� �������������������������And strength humiliated into contempt,

���������������������������� And probity destroyed,

���������������������������� And beauty shall become ugliness.

���������������������� 36����� And many shall say to many at that time:

��� �������������������������"Where hath the multitude of intelligence hidden itself,

���������������������������� And whither hath the multitude of wisdom removed itself?"

���������������������� 37����� And whilst they are meditating these things,

��������� �������������������Then envy shall arise in those who had not thought aught of themselves (?)

���������������������������� And passion shall seize him that is peaceful,

���������������������������� And many shall be stirred up in anger to injure many,

��� �������������������������And they shall rouse up armies in order to shed blood,

���������������������������� And in the end they shall perish together with them.

���������������������� 38����� And it shall come to pass at the self‑same time,

������������� ���������������That a change of times shall manifestly appeal to every man,

���������������������������� Because in all those times they polluted themselves

���������������������������� And they practiced oppression,

���������������������������� And walked every man in his own works,

���������������������������� And remembered not the law of the Mighty One.

���������������������� 39����� Therefore a fire shall consume their thoughts,

���������������������������� And in flame shall the meditations of their reins be tried;

���������������������������� For the Judge shall come and will not tarry.

���������������������� 40����� Because each of the inhabitants of the earth knew when he was transgressing.

���������������������������� But My Law they knew not by reason of their pride.

���������������������� 41����� But many shall then assuredly weep,

���������������������������� Yea, over the living more than over the dead.'

���������������������� 42����� And I answered and said:

���������������������������� 'O Adam, what have you done to all those who are born from you?

���������������������������� And what will be said to the first Eve who hearkened to the serpent?

���������������������� 43����� For all this multitude are going to corruption,

����������������� �����������Nor is there any numbering of those whom the fire devours.

���������������������� 44 But again I will speak in Your presence. 45 You, O LORD, my Lord, know what

���������������������� is in Your creature. 46 For you did of old command the dust to produce Adam, and

���������������������� you know the number of those who are born from him, and how far they have sinned

���������������������� before you, who have existed and not confessed you as their Creator. 47 And as

���������������������� regards all these their end shall convict them, and Your law which they have

���������������������� transgressed shall requite them on Your day.'

�������������������������������� 48:48‑50. Fragment of an Address of Baruch to the People

���������������������� 48����� ['But now let us dismiss the wicked and inquire about the righteous.

���������������������� 49����� And I will recount their blessedness

�������� ��������������������And not be silent in celebrating their glory, which is reserved for them.

���������������������� 50����� For assuredly as in a little time in this transitory world in which you live, you

���������������������� have endured much labor,

���������������������������� So in that world to which there is no end, you shall receive great light.']

��������������������������� 49�52. The Nature of the Resurrection Body: the final Destinies of the

�� ���������������������������������������������������Righteous

�������������������������������������������������� and the Wicked

���������������������� 49 1 'Nevertheless, I Will again ask from you, O Mighty One, yea, I will ask made

���������������������� all things.

���������������������� 2������� "In what shape will those live who live in Your day?

���������������������������� Or how will the splendor of those who (are) after that time continue?

���������������������� 3������� Will they then resume this form of the present,

���������������������������� And put on these entrammelling members,

���������������������������� Which are now involved in evils,

���������������������������� And in which evils are consummated,

������������� ���������������Or will you perchance change these things which have been in the world

���������������������������� As also the world?"

���������������������� 50 1 And He answered and said unto me:

� ���������������������������'Hear, Baruch, this word,

���������������������������� And write in the remembrance of your heart all that you shall learn.

���������������������� 2������� For the earth shall then assuredly restore the dead,

������������������ ����������[Which it now receives, in order to preserve them].

�������������������������������� It shall make no change in their form,

���������������������������� But as it has received, so shall it restore them,

���������������������������� And as I delivered them unto it, so also shall it raise them.

���������������������� 3 For then it will be necessary to show the living that the dead have come to life

���������������������� again, and that those who had departed have returned (again). 4 And it shall come to

���������������������� pass, when they have severally recognized those whom they now know, then

���������������������� judgment shall grow strong, and those things which before were spoken of shall

�������������������� ��come.

���������������������� 51 1 And it shall come to pass, when that appointed day has gone by, that then shall

���������������������� the aspect of those who are condemned be afterwards changed, and the glory of

������������ ����������those who are justified. 2 For the aspect of those who now act wickedly shall

���������������������� become worse than it is, as they shall suffer torment. 3 Also (as for) the glory of

���������������������� those who have now been justified in My law, who have had understanding in their

���������������������� life, and who have planted in their heart the root of wisdom, then their splendor shall

���������������������� be glorified in changes, and the form of their face shall be turned into the light of

���������������������� their beauty, that they may be able to acquire and receive the world which does not

���������������������� die, which is then promised to them. 4 For over this above all shall those who come

���������������������� then lament, that they rejected My law, and stopped their ears that they might not

���������������������� hear wisdom or receive understanding. 5 When therefore they see those, over whom

���������������������� they are now exalted, (but) who shall then be exalted and glorified more than they,

���������������������� they shall respectively be transformed, the latter into the splendor of angels, and the

���������������������� former shall yet more waste away in wonder at the visions and in the beholding of

������������� ���������the forms. 6 For they shall first behold and afterwards depart to be tormented.

���������������������� 7������� But those who have been saved by their works,

�������������������������������� And to whom the law has been now a hope,

�������������������������������� And understanding an expectation,

�������������������������������� And wisdom a confidence,

�������������������������������� Shall wonders appear in their time.

���������������������� 8������� For they shall behold the world which is now invisible to them,

�������������������������������� And they shall behold the time which is now hidden from them:

���������������������� 9������� And time shall no longer age them.

���������������������� 10����� For in the heights of that world shall they dwell,

�������������������������������� And they shall be made like unto the angels,

�������������������������������� And be made equal to the stars,

�������������������������������� And they shall be changed into every form they desire,

�������������������������������� From beauty into loveliness,

�������������������������������� And from light into the splendor of glory.

���������������������� 11 For there shall be spread before them the extents of Paradise, and there shall be

���������������������� shown to them the beauty of the majesty of the living creatures which are beneath

���������������������� the throne, and all the armies of the angels, who are now held fast by My word, lest

����������������� �����they should appear, and] are held fast by a command, that they may stand in their

���������������������� places till their advent comes. 12 Moreover, there shall then be excellency in the

���������������������� righteous surpassing that in the angels. 13 For the first shall receive the last, those

���������������������� whom they were expecting, and the last those of whom they used to hear that they

���������������������� had passed away.

���������������������� 14����� For they have been delivered from this world of tribulation,

�������������������������������� And laid down the burthen of anguish.

���������������������� 15����� For what then have men lost their life,

�������������������������������� And for what have those who were on the earth exchanged their soul?

���������������������� 16����� For then they chose (not) for themselves this time,

�������������������������������� Which, beyond the reach of anguish, could not pass away:

�������������������������������� But they chose for themselves that time,

�������������������������������� Whose issues are full of lamentations and evils,

�������������������������������� And they denied the world which ages not those who come to it,

�������������������������������� And they rejected the time of glory,

�������������������������������� So that they shall not come to the honor of which I told you before.'

���������������������� 52 1 And I answered and said:

���������������������������� 'How can we forget those for whom woe is then reserved?

���������������������� 2������� And why therefore do we again mourn for those who die?

�������������������������������� Or why do we weep for those who depart to Sheol?

���������������������� 3������� Let lamentations be reserved for the beginning of that coming torment,

�������������������������������� And let tears be laid up for the advent of the destruction of that time.

���������������������� 4������� [But even in the face of these things will I speak.

���������� ������������5������� And as for the righteous, what will they do now?

���������������������� 6������� Rejoice you in the suffering which you now suffer:

�������������������������������� For why do you look for the decline of your enemies?

���������������� ������7������ Make ready your soul for that which is reserved for you,

���������������������������� And prepare your souls for the reward which is laid up for you.']

������������������������������������� ���53�54. THE MESSIAH APOCALYPSE

��������������������������������� 53. The Vision of the Cloud with black and white Waters

���������������������� 53 1 And when I had said these things I fell asleep there, and I saw a vision, and lo! a

���������������������� cloud was ascending from a very great sea, and I kept gazing upon it) and lo! it was

���������������������� full of waters white and black, and there were many colors in those self‑same

����������������� �����waters, and as it were the likeness of great lightning was seen at its summit. 2 And I

���������������������� saw the cloud passing swiftly in quick courses, and it covered all the earth. 3 And it

���������������������� came to pass after these things that that cloud began to pour upon the earth the

���������������������� waters that were in it. 4 And I saw that there was not one and the same like_ness in

���������������������� the waters which descended from it. 5 For in the first beginning they were black and

���������������������� many (Or a time, and afterwards I saw that the waters became bright, but they were

���������������������� not many, and after these things again I saw black (waters), and after these things

���������������������� again bright, and again black and again bright. 6 Now this was done twelve times, but

���������������������� the black were always more numerous than the bright. 7 And it came to pass at the

���������������������� end of the cloud, that lo! it rained black waters, and they were darker than had been

���������������������� all those waters that were before, and fire was mingled with them, and where those

���������������������� waters descended, they wrought devastation and destruction. 8 And after these things

������� ���������������I saw how that lightning which I had seen on the summit of the cloud, seized hold of

���������������������� it and hurled it to the earth. 9 Now that lightning shone exceedingly, so as to

���������������������� illuminate the whole earth, and it healed those regions where the last waters had

���������������������� descended and wrought devastation. 10 And it took hold of the whole earth, and had

���������������������� dominion over it. 11 And I saw after these things, and lo! twelve rivers were

���������������������� ascending from the sea, and they began to surround that lightning and to become

���������������������� subject to it. 12 And by reason of my fear I awoke.

���������������������� 54�55. Baruch's Prayer for an Interpretation of� the Vision: Ramiel's advent for

��������������������������������������������������� this Purpose

���������������������� 54 1 And I besought the Mighty One, and said:

���������������������������� 'You alone, O Lord, know of aforetime the deep things of the world,

���������������������������� And the things which befall in their times You bring about by Your word, And

���������������������������� against the works of the inhabitants of the earth you do hasten the beginnings

���������������������������� of the times,

���������������������������� And the end of the seasons you alone know.

���������������������� 2������� (You) for whom nothing is too hard,

������ ����������������������But who do everything easily by a nod:

���������������������� 3������� (You) to whom the depths come as the heights,

���������������������������� And whose word the beginnings of the ages serve:

���������������������� 4������� (You) who reveal to those who fear you what is prepared for them,

���������������������������� That thenceforth they may be comforted.

���������������������� 5������� You show great acts to those who know not;

���������������������������� You break up the enclosure of those who are ignorant,

���������������������������� And lightest up what is dark,

���������������������������� And reveal what is hidden to the pure,

���������������������������� [Who in faith have submitted themselves to you and Your law.]

���� ������������������6������� You have shown to Your servant this vision;

���������������������������� Reveal to me also its interpretation.

���������������������� 7������� For I know that as regards those things wherein I besought you, I have received

����� �����������������a response,

���������������������������� And as regards what I besought, you did reveal to me with what voice I should

���������������������� praise you,

���������������������������� And from what members I should cause praises and hallelujahs to ascend to

���������������������������� you.

���������������������� 8������� For if my members were mouths,

���������������������������� And the hairs of my head voices,

���������������������������� Even so I could not give you the reward of praise,

���������������������������� Nor laud you as is befitting,

���������������������������� Nor could I recount Your praise,

���������������������������� Nor tell the glory of Your beauty.

���������������������� 9������� For what am I amongst men,

�������� ��������������������Or why am I reckoned amongst those who are more excellent than I,

���������������������������� That I have heard all these marvelous things from the Most High,

���������������������������� And numberless promises from Him who created me?

���������������������� 10����� Blessed be my mother among those that bear,

���������������������������� And praised among women be she that bare me.

���������������������� 11����� For I will not be silent in praising the Mighty One,

����������������� �����������And with the voice of praise I will recount His marvelous deeds.

���������������������� 12����� For who doeth like unto Your marvelous deeds, O God,

���������������������������� Or who comprehend Your deep thought of life.

�������������������� ��13���� For with Your counsel you do govern all the creatures which Your right� hand

���������������������� has created

���������������������������� And you have established every fountain of light beside you,

���������������������������� And the treasures of wisdom beneath Your throne have you prepared.

���������������������� 14����� And justly do they perish who have not loved Your law,

���������������������������� And the torment of judgment shall await those who have not submitted

����������������� �����themselves to Your power.

���������������������� 15����� For though Adam first sinned

���������������������������� And brought untimely death upon all,

���������������������������� Yet of those who were born from him

���������������������������� Each one of them has prepared for his own soul torment to come,

���������������������������� And again each one of them has chosen for himself glories to come.

���������������������� 16����� [For assuredly he who believeth will receive reward.

���������������������� 17����� But now, as for you, you wicked that now are, turn you to destruction, because

���������������������� you shall speedily be visited, in that formerly you rejected the understanding of the

���������������������� Most High.

���������������������� 18����� For His works have not taught you,

���������������������������� Nor has the skill of His creation which is at all times persuaded you.]

���������������������� 19����� Adam is therefore not the cause, save only of his own soul,

���������������������������� But each of us has been the Adam of his own soul.

���������������������� 20����� But do You, O Lord, expound to me regarding those things which you have

���������������������� revealed to me,

���������������������������� And inform me regarding that which I besought you.

���������������������� 21����� For at the consummation of the world vengeance shall be taken upon those

���������������������� who have done wickedness according to their wickedness,

���������������������������� And you will glorify the faithful according to their faithfulness.

���������������������� 22����� For those who are amongst your own you rule,

���������������������������� And those who sin you blot out from amongst your own.'

���������������������� 55 1 And it came to pass when I had finished speaking the words of this prayer, that I

���������������������� sat there under a tree, that I might rest in the shade of the branches. 2 And I

����������� �����������wondered and was astonished, and pondered in my thoughts regarding the multitude

���������������������� of goodness which sinners who are upon the earth have rejected, and regarding the

���������������������� great torment which they have despised, though they knew that they should be

���������������������� tormented because of the sin they had committed. And when I was pondering on

���������������������� these things and the like, lo! the angel Ramiel who presides over true visions was

�������� ��������������sent to me, and he said unto me:

���������������������� 4������� 'Why does your heart trouble you, Baruch,

���������������������������� and why does your thought disturb you?

���������������������� 5������� For if owing to the report which you have only heard of judgment you are so

���������������������� moved,

���������������������������� What (wilt you be) when you shall see it manifestly with your eyes?

���������������������� 6������� And if with the expectation wherewith you do expect the day of the Mighty

���������������������� One you are so overcome,

���������������������������� What (wilt you be) when you shall come to its advent?

���������������������� 7������� And, if at the word of the announcement of the torment of those who have

���������������������� done foolishly you are so wholly distraught,

���������������������������� How much more when the event will reveal marvelous things?

���������������������� 8������� And if you have heard tidings of the good and evil things which are then

���������������������� coming and are grieved,

���������������������������� What (wilt you be) when you shall behold what the majesty will reveal,

���������������������������� Which shall convict these and cause those to rejoice.'

����������������������� 56�74. Interpretation of the Vision. The black and bright Waters symbolize the

��������������������������������� World's History from Adam to the Advent of the Messiah.

���������������������� 56 1 'Nevertheless, because you have besought the Most High to reveal to you the

���������������������� interpretation of the vision which you have seen, I have been sent to tell you. 2 And

���������������������� the Mighty One hath assuredly made known to you the methods of the times that

���������������������� have passed, and of those that are destined to pass in His world from the beginning

���������������������� of its creation even unto its consummation, of those things which (are) deceit and of

���������������������� those which (are) in truth. 3 For as you did see a great cloud which ascended from

���������������������� the sea, and went and covered the earth, this is the duration of the world (= a???)

������ ����������������which the Mighty One made when he took counsel to make the world. 4 And it came

���������������������� to pass when the word had gone forth from His presence, that the duration of the

���������������������� world had come into being in a small degree, and was established according to the

���������������������� multitude of the intelligence of Him who sent it. 5 And as you did previously see on

���������������������� the summit of the cloud black waters which descended previously on the earth, this

���������������������� is the transgression wherewith Adam the first man transgressed.

���������������������� 6������� For [since] when he transgressed

���������������������������� Untimely death came into being,

���������� ������������������Grief was named

���������������������������� And anguish was prepared,

���������������������������� And pain was created,

���������������������������� And trouble consummated,

���������������������������� And disease began to be established,

���������������������������� And Sheol kept demanding that it should be renewed in blood,

���������������������������� And the begetting of children was brought about,

���������������������������� And the passion of parents produced,

����������������� �����������And the greatness of humanity was humiliated,

���������������������������� And goodness languished.

���������������������� 7 What therefore can be blacker or darker than these things? 8 This is the beginning

����������� �����������of the black waters which you have seen. 9 And from these black (waters) again were

���������������������� black derived, and the darkness of darkness was produced. 10 For he became a

���������������������� danger to his own soul: even to the angels 11 For, moreover, at that time when he

���������������������� was created, they enjoyed liberty. 12 And became he a danger some of them

���������������������� descended, and mingled with the women. 13 And then those who did so were

������������������ ����tormented in chains. 14 But the rest of the multitude of the angels, of which there is

���������������������� (no) number, restrained themselves. 15 And those who dwelt on the earth perished

���������������������� together (with them) through the waters of the deluge. 16 These are the black first

���������������������� waters.

���������������������� 57 1 And after these (waters) you did see bright waters: this is the fount of

���������������������� Abraham, also his generations and advent of his son, and of his son's son, and of

���������������������� those like them. 2 Because at that time the unwritten law was named amongst them,

���������������������������� And the works of the commandments were then fulfilled,

���������������������������� And belief in the coming judgment was then generated,

���������������������������� And hope of the world that was to be renewed was then built up,

���������������������������� And the promise of the life that should come hereafter was implanted.

���������������������� 3������� These are the bright waters, which you have seen.

���������������������� 58 1 'And the black third waters which you have seen, these are the mingling of all

���������� ������������sins, which the nations afterwards wrought after the death of those righteous men,

���������������������� and the wickedness of the land of Egypt, wherein they did wickedly in the service

���������������������� wherewith they made their sons to serve. 2 Nevertheless, these also perished at last.

���������������������� 59 1 'And the bright fourth waters which you have seen are the advent of Moses and

���������������������� Aaron and Miriam and Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb and of all those like them. 2

���������������������� For at that time the lamp of the eternal law shone on all those who sat in darkness,

���������������������� which announced to them that believe the promise of their reward, and to them that

������ ����������������deny, the torment of fire which is reserved for them. 3 But also the heavens at that

���������������������� time were shaken from their place, and those who were under the throne of the

���������������������� Mighty One were perturbed, when He was taking Moses unto Himself. 4 For He

���������������������� showed him many admonitions together with the principles of the law and the

���������������������� consummation of the times, as also to you, and likewise the pattern of Zion and its

����� �����������������measures, in the pattern of which the sanctuary of the present time was to be made.

���������������������� 5 But then also He showed to him the measures of the fire, also the depths of the

���������������������� abyss, and the weight of the winds, and the number of the drops of rain: 6 And the

���������������������� suppression of anger, and the multitude of long‑suffering, and the truth of judgment:

���������������������� 7 And the root of wisdom, and the riches of understanding, and the fount of

���������������������� knowledge: 8 And the height of the air, and the greatness of Paradise, and the

���������������������� consummation of the ages, and the beginning of the day of judgment: 9 And the

���������������������� number of the offerings, and the earths which have not yet come: 10 And the mouth

���������������������� of Gehenna, and the station of vengeance, and the place of faith, and the region of

���������������������� hope: And the likeness of future torment, and the multitude of innumerable angels,

���������������������� and the flaming hosts, and the splendor of the lightnings, and the voice of the

���������������������� thunders, and the orders of the chiefs of the angels, and the treasuries of light, and

���������������������� the changes of the times, and the investigations of the law. 12 These are the bright

���������������������� fourth waters which you have seen.

���������������������� 60 1 And the black fifth waters which you have seen raining are the works which the

���������������������� Amorites wrought, and the spells of their incantations which they wrought, and the

���������������������� wickedness of their mysteries, and the mingling of their pollution. 2 But even Israel

���������������������� was then polluted by sins in the days of the judges, though they saw many signs

���������������������� which were from Him who made them.

���������������������� 61 1 And the bright sixth waters which thru did see, this is the time in which David

���������������������� and Solomon were born.

���������������������� 2������� And there was at that time the building of Zion,

���������������������������� And the dedication of the sanctuary,

�������������������� ������������And the shedding of much blood of the nations that sinned then,

���������������������������� And many offerings which were offered then in the dedication of the

���������������������� sanctuary.

���������������������� 3������� And peace and tranquility existed at that time,

���������������������� 4������� And wisdom was heard in the assembly:

�������������������������������� And the riches of understanding were magnified in the congregations,

���������������������� 5������� And the holy festivals were fulfilled in blessedness and in much joy.

���������������������� 6������� And the judgment of the rulers was then seen to be without guile,

���������������������������� And the righteousness of the precepts of the Mighty One was accomplished

��� �������������������with truth.

���������������������� 7������� And the land [which] was then beloved by the Lord,

���������������������������� And because its inhabitants sinned not, it was glorified beyond all lands, And

���������������������������� the city Zion ruled then over all lands and regions.

���������������������� 8������� These are the bright waters which you have seen.

���������������������� 62 1 And the black seventh waters which you have seen, this is the perversion

���������������������� (brought about) by the counsel of Jeroboam, who took counsel to make two calves

���������������������� of gold: 2 And all the iniquities which kings who were after him iniquitously

���������������������� wrought. 3 And the curse of Jezebel and the worship of idols which Israel practiced

���������������������� at that time. 4 And the withholding of rain, and the famines which occurred until

���������������������� women eat the fruit of their wombs. 5 And the time of their captivity which came

���������������������� upon the nine tribes and a half, because they were in many sins. 6 And Shalmanezzar

���������������������� king of Assyria came and led them away captive. 7 But regarding the Gentiles it

���������������������� were tedious to tell how they always wrought impiety and wickedness, and never

���������������������� wrought righteousness. 8 These are the black seventh waters which you have seen.

���������������������� 63 1 'And the bright eighth waters which you have seen, this is the rectitude and

���������������������� uprightness of Hezekiah king of Judah and the grace (of God) which came upon him.

���������������������� 2 For when Sennacherib was stirred up in order that he might perish, and his wrath

�� ��������������������troubled him in order that he might thereby perish, for the multitude also of the

���������������������� nations which were with him. 3 When, moreover, Hezekiah the king heard those

���������������������� things which the king of Assyria was devising, (i.e.) to come and seize him and

���������������������� destroy his people, the two and a half tribes which remained: nay, more he wished to

���������������������� overthrow Zion also: then Hezekiah trusted in his works, and had hope in his

���������������������� righteousness, and spoke with the Mighty One and said: 4 "Behold, for lo!

���������������������� Sennacherib is prepared to destroy us, and he will be boastful and uplifted when he

���������������������� has destroyed Zion."

���������������������� 5������� And the Mighty One heard him, for Hezekiah was wise,

���������������������������� And He had respect unto his prayer, because he was righteous.

���������������������� 6 And thereupon the Mighty One commanded Ramiel His angel who speaks with

���������������������� you. 7 And I went forth and destroyed their multitude, the number of whose chiefs

���������������������� only was a hundred and eighty‑five thousand, and each one of them had an equal

���������������������� number (at his command). 8 And at that time I burned their bodies within, but their

���������������������� raiment and arms I preserved outwardly, in order that the still more wonderful deeds

���������������������� of the Mighty One might appear, and that thereby His name might be spoken of

���������������������� throughout the whole earth. 9 And Zion was saved and Jerusalem delivered: Israel

���������������������� also was freed from tribulation. 10 And all those who were in the holy land

���������������������� rejoiced, and the name of the Mighty One was glorified so that it was spoken of 11

���������������������� These are the bright waters which you have seen.

���������������������� 64 1 'And the black ninth waters which you have seen, this is all the wickedness

���������������������� which was in the days of Manasseh the son of Hezekiah. 2 For he wrought much

���������������������� impiety, and he slew the righteous, and he wrested judgment, and he shed the blood

���������������������� of the innocent, and wedded women he violently polluted, and he overturned the

���������������������� altars, and destroyed their offerings, and drove forth their priests lest they should

���������������������� minister in the sanctuary. 3 And he made an image with five faces: four of them

���������������������� looked to the four winds, and the fifth on the summit of the image as ah adversary of

���������������������� the zeal of the Mighty One. 4 And then wrath went forth from the presence of the

���������������������� Mighty One to the intent that Zion should be rooted out, as also it befell in your

���������������������� days. But also against the two tribes and a half went forth a decree that they should

���� ������������������also be led away captive, as you have now seen. 5 And to such a degree did the

���������������������� impiety of Manasseh increase, that it removed the praise of the Most High from the

���������������������� sanctuary. 7 On this account Manasseh was at that time named 'the impious," and

���������������������� finally his abode was in the fire. 8 For though his prayer was heard with the Most

���������������������� High, finally, when he was cast into the brazen horse and the brazen horse was

���������������������� melted, it served as a sign unto him for the hour. 9 For he had not lived perfectly,

���������������������� for he was not worthy�but that thenceforward he might know by whom finally he

���������������������� should be tormented. 10 For he who is able to benefit is also able to torment.

���������������������� 65 1 'Thus, moreover, did Manasseh act impiously, and thought that in his time the

���������������������� Mighty One would not inquire into these things. 2 These are the black ninth waters

���������������������� which you have seen.

���������������������� 66 1 'And the bright tenth waters which you have seen: this is the purity of the

���������������������� generations of Josiah king of Judah, who was the only one at the time who submitted

���������������������� himself to the Mighty One with all his heart and with all his soul. 2 And he cleansed

���������������������� the land from idols, and hallowed all the vessels which had been polluted, and

���������������������� restored the offerings to the altar, and raised the horn of the holy, and exalted the

���������������������� righteous, and honored all that were wise in understanding, and brought back the

���������������������� priests to their ministry, and destroyed and removed the magicians and enchanters

���������������������� and necromancers from the land. 3 And not only did he slay the impious that were

���������������������� living, but they also took from the sepulchers the bones of the dead and burned them

���������������������� with fire. 4 [And the festivals and the Sabbaths he established in their sanctity], and

���������������������� their polluted ones he burnt in the fire, and the lying prophets which deceived the

�� ��������������������people, these also he burnt in the fire, and the people who listened to them when

���������������������� they were living, he cast them into the brook Kidron, and heaped stones upon them.

���������������������� 5 And he was zealous with zeal for the Mighty One with all his soul, and he alone

���������������������� was firm in the law at that time, so that he left none that was uncircumcised, or that

���������������������� wrought impiety in all the land, all the days of his life. 6 Therefore he shall receive

���������������������� an eternal reward, and he shall be glorified with the Mighty One beyond many at a

���������������������� later time. 7 For on his account and on account of those who are like him were the

���������������������� honorable glories, of which you were told before, created and prepared. These arc

���������������������� the bright waters which you have seen.

���������������������� 67 1 'And the black eleventh waters which you have seen: this is the calamity which

���������������������� is now befalling "Zion.

���������������������� 2������� Do you think that there is no anguish to the angels in the presence of the

���������������������� Mighty One,

���������������������������� That Zion was so delivered up,

���������������������������� And that lo! the Gentiles boast in their hearts,

���������������������������� And assemble before their idols and say,

�������������������������������� "She is trodden down who oftentimes trod down,

���������������������������� And she has been reduced to servitude who reduced (others)"?

���������������������� 3������� Dost you think that in these things the Most High rejoices,

���������������������������� Or that His name is glorified?

���������������������� 4������� [But how will it serve towards His righteous judgment?]

���������������������� 5������� Yet after these things shall the dispersed among the Gentiles be taken hold of

���������������������� by tribulation,

���������������������������� And in shame shall they dwell in every place.

���������������������� 6������� Because so far as Zion is delivered up

���������������������������� And Jerusalem laid waste,

���������������������������� Shall idols prosper in the cities of the Gentiles,

���������������������������� And the vapor of the smoke of the incense of the righteousness which is by

���������������������� the law is extinguished in Zion,

���������������������������� And in the region of Zion in every place lo! there is the smoke of impiety.

���������������������� 7������� But the king of Babylon will arise who has now destroyed Zion,

���������������������������� And he will boast over the people,

���������������������������� And he will speak great things in his heart in the presence of the Most High.

���������������������� 8������� But he also shall fall at last. These are the black waters.

���������������������� 68 1 'And the bright twelfth waters which you have seen: this is the word. For after

���������������������� these things time will come when your people shall fall into distress, so that they

���������������������� shall all run the risk of perishing together. 3 Nevertheless, they will be saved, and

������������ ����������their enemies will fall in their presence. 4 And they will have in (due) time much

���������������������� joy. 5 And at that time after a little interval Zion will again be rebuilt, and its

���������������������� offerings will again be restored, and the priests will return to their ministry, and also

���������������������� the Gentiles will come to glorify it. 6 Nevertheless, not fully as in the beginning. 7

���������������������� But it will come to pass after these things that there will be the fall of many nations.

���������������������� 8 These are the bright waters which you have seen.

���������������������� 69 1 'For the last waters which you have seen which were darker than all that were

���������������������� before them, those which were after the twelfth number, which were collected

���������������������� together, belong to the whole world. 2 For the Most High made division from the

���������������������� beginning, because He alone knows what will befall. 3 For as to the enormities and

���������������������� the impieties which should be wrought before Him, He foresaw six kinds of them. 4

���������������������� And of the good works of the righteous which should be accomplished before Him,

���������������������� He foresaw six kinds of them, beyond those which He should work at the

���������������������� consummation of the age. 5 On his account there were not black waters with black,

���������������������� nor bright with bright; for it is the consummation.

���������������������� 70 1 'Hear therefore the interpretation of the last black waters which are to come

���������������������� [after the black]: this the word. 2 Behold! the days come, and it shall be when the

��������������������� �time of the age has ripened,

���������������������������� And the harvest of its evil and good seeds has come,

���������������������������� That the Mighty One will bring upon the earth and its inhabitants and upon its

�������� ��������������rulers

���������������������������� Perturbation of spirit and stupor of heart.

���������������������� 3������� And they shall hate one another,

���������������������������� And provoke one another to fight,

���������������������������� And the mean shall rule over the honorable,

���������������������������� And those of low degree shall be extolled above the famous.

���������������������� 4������� And the many shall be delivered into the hands of the few,

���������������������������� And those who were nothing shall rule over the strong,

���������������������������� And the poor shall have abundance beyond the rich,

���������������������������� And the impious shall exalt themselves above the heroic.

���������������������� 5������� And the wise shall be silent,

���������������������������� And the foolish shall speak,

���������������������������� Neither shall the thought of men be then confirmed,

���������������������������� Nor the counsel of the mighty,

���������������������������� Nor shall the hope of those who hope be confirmed.

���������������������� 6������� And when those things which were predicted have come to pass,

���������������������������� Then shall confusion fall upon all men,

���������������������������� And some of them shall fall in battle,

���������������������������� And some of them shall perish in anguish,

���������������������� 7 And some of them shall be destroyed by their own. Then the Most High peoples

���������������������� whom He has prepared before,

���������������������������� And they shall come and make war with the leaders that shall then be left.

���������������������� 8������� And it shall come to pass that whoever gets safe out of the war shall die in the

���������������������� earthquake,

���������������������������� And whoever gets safe out of the earthquake shall be burned by the fire,

���������������������������� And whoever gets safe out of the fire shall be destroyed by famine.

���������������������� 9 [And it shall come to pass that whoever of the victors and the vanquished gets safe

���������������������� out of and escapes all these things aforesaid will be delivered into the hands of My

��������������� �������servant Messiah.] 10 For all the earth shall devour its inhabitants.

���������������������� 71 1 'And the holy land shall have mercy on its own, And it shall protect its

���������������������� inhabitants at that time. 2 This is the vision which you have seen, and this is the

���������������������� interpretation. 3 For I have come to tell you these things, because your prayer has

���������������������� been heard with the Most High.

��������������� �������72 'Hear now also regarding the bright lightning which is to come at the

���������������������� consummation after these black (waters): this is the word. 2 After the signs have

���������������������� come, of which you were told before, when the nations become turbulent, and the

���������������������� time of My Messiah is come, he shall both summon all the nations, and some of

���������������������� them he shall spare, and some of them he shall slay. 3 These things therefore shall

�������������� ��������come upon the nations which are to be spared by Him. 4 Every nation, which knows

���������������������� not Israel and has not trodden down the seed of Jacob, shall indeed be spared. 5 And

���������������������� this because some out of every nation shall be subjected to your people. 6 But all

���������������������� those who have ruled over you, or have known you, shall be given up to the sword.

���������������������� 73 1�� 'And it shall come to pass, when He has brought low everything that is in the

���������������������� world,

���������������������������� And has sat down in peace for the age on the throne of His kingdom,

���������������������������� That joy shall then be revealed,

��������� �������������������And rest shall appear.

���������������������� 2������� And then healing shall descend in dew,

���������������������������� And disease shall withdraw,

���������������������������� And anxiety and anguish and lamentation pass from amongst men,

���������������������������� And gladness proceed through the whole earth.

���������������������� 3������� And no one shall again die untimely,

���������������������������� Nor shall any adversity suddenly befall.

���������������������� 4������� And judgments, and abusive talk, and contentions, and revenges,

���������������������������� And blood, and passions, and envy, and hatred,

���������������������������� And whatsoever things are like these shall go into condemnation when they

����������� �����������are removed.

���������������������� 5������� For it is these very things which have filled this world with evils,

���������������������������� And on account of these the life of man has been greatly troubled.

���������������������� 6������� And wild beasts shall come from the forest and minister unto men

���������������������������� And asps and dragons shall come forth from their holes to submit themselves

���������������������� to a little child.

���������������������� 7������� And women shall no longer then have pain when they bear,

���������������������������� Nor shall they suffer torment when they yield the fruit of the womb.

���������������������� 74 1�� 'And it shall come to pass in those days that the reapers shall not grow weary,

���������������������������� Nor those that build be toil‑worn;

���������������������������� For the works shall of themselves speedily advance

���������������������������� Together with those who do them in much tranquility.

������� ���������������2������� For that time is the consummation of that which is corruptible,

���������������������������� And the beginning of that which is not corruptible.

���������������������� 3������� Therefore those things which were predicted shall belong to it:

���������������������������� Therefore it is far away from evils, and near to those things which die not.

���������������������� 4������� This is the bright lightning which came after the last dark waters.'

����������������������� 75. Baruch's Hymn on the Unsearchableness of God's Ways and on His Mercies

���������������������������� through which the Faithful shall attain to a blessed Consummation

���������������������� 75 1�� And I answered and said:

���������������������������� 'Who can understand, O Lord, Your goodness?

���������������������������� For it is incomprehensible.

���������������������� 2������� Or who can search into your compassions,

�������������������� ��������Which are infinite?

���������������������� 3������� Or who can comprehend Your intelligence?

���������������������� 4������� Or who is able to recount the thoughts of Your mind?

���������������������� 5������� Or who of those who are born can hope to come to those things,

���������������������������� Unless he is one to whom you are merciful and gracious?

���������������������� 6������� Because, if assuredly you did not have compassion on man,

���������������������������� Those who are under Your right hand,

���������������������������� They could not come to those things,

���������������������������� But those who are in the numbers named can be called.

���������������������� 7������� But if, indeed, we who exist know wherefore we have come,

���������������������������� And submit ourselves to Him who brought us out of Egypt,

���������������������������� We shall come again and remember those things which have passed,

���������������������������� And shall rejoice regarding that which has been.

���������������������� 8������� But if now we know not wherefore we have come,

���������������������������� And recognize not the principate of Him who brought us up out of Egypt, We

���������������������������� shall come again and seek after those things which have been now,

���������������������������� And be grieved with pain because of those things which have befallen.'

����������������������� 76. Baruch bidden to instruct the People for forty days and then to hold himself

���������������������������������� ready for his Assumption on the Advent of the Messiah

���������������������� 76 1 And He answered and said unto me: ['Inasmuch as the revelation of this vision

���������� ������������has been interpreted to you as you requested], hear the word of the Most High that

���������������������� you may know what is to befall you after these things. 2 For you shall surely depart

���������������������� from this earth, nevertheless not unto death, but you shall be preserved unto the

���������������������� consummation of the times. 3 Go up therefore to the top of that mountain, and there

���������������������� shall pass before you all the regions of that land, and the figure of the inhabited

���������������������� world, and the top(s) of the mountains, and the depth(s) of the valleys, and the

���������������������� depths of the seas, and the number of the rivers, that you may see what you are

���������������������� leaving, and whither you are going. 4 Now this shall befall after forty days. Go now

���������������������� therefore during these days and instruct the people so far as you are able, that they

���������������������� may learn so as not to die at the last time, but may learn in order that they may live

���������������������� at the last times.'

����������������������� 77. Baruch's Admonition to the People and his writing of two Letters�one to the

����������������������� nine and a half tribes in Assyria and the other to the two and a half in Babylon

���������������������� 77 1 And I, Baruch, went there and came to the people, and assembled them together

���������������������� from the greatest to the least, and said unto them: 2 'Hear, you children of Israel,

���������������������� behold how many you are who remain of the twelve tribes of Israel. 3 For to you and

���������������������� to your fathers the Lord gave a law more excellent than to all peoples. 4 And

���������������������� because your brethren transgressed the commandments of the Most High,

���������������������������� He brought vengeance upon you and upon them,

���������������������������� And He spared not the former,

���������������������������� And the latter also He gave into captivity:

���������������������������� And He left not a residue of them,

���������������������� 5������� But behold! you are here with me.

���������������������� 6������� If, therefore, you direct your ways aright,

���������������������������� Ye also shall not depart as your brethren departed,

���������������������������� But they shall come to you.

���������������������� 7������� For He is merciful whom you worship,

����������� �����������������And He is gracious in whom you hope,

���������������������������� And He is true, so that He shall do good and not evil.

���������������������� 8������� Have you not seen here what has befallen Zion?

���������������������� 9������� Or do you perchance think that the place had sinned,

���������������������������� And that on this account it was overthrown?

���������������������������� Or that the land had wrought foolishness,

���������������������������� And that therefore it was delivered up?

���������������������� 10����� And know you not that on account of you who did sin,

���������������������������� That which sinned not was overthrown,

���������������������������� And, on account of those who wrought wickedly,

�������������������� ��������That which wrought not foolishness was delivered up to (its) enemies?'

���������������������� 11 And the whole people answered and said unto me: 'So far as we can recall the

���������������������� good things which the Mighty One has done unto us, we do recall them; and those

���������������������� things which we do not remember He in His mercy knows. 12 Nevertheless, do this

���������������������� for us your people: write also to our brethren in Babylon an epistle of doctrine and a

���������������������� scroll of hope, that you may confirm them also before you do depart from us.

���������������������� 13����� For the shepherds of Israel have perished,

���������������������������� And the lamps which gave light are extinguished,

���������������������������� And the fountains have withheld their stream whence we used to drink.

���������������������� 14����� And we are left in the darkness,

���������������������������� And amid the trees of the forest,

���������������������������� And the thirst of the wilderness.'

���������������������� 15����� And I answered and said unto them

���������������������������� 'Shepherds and lamps and fountains come from the law:

���������������������������� And though we depart, yet the law abides.

���������������������� 16����� If therefore you have respect to the law,

���������������������������� And are intent upon wisdom,

���������������������������� A lamp will not be wanting,

���������������������������� And a shepherd will not fail,

���������������������������� And a fountain will not dry up.

���������������������� 17 Nevertheless, as you said unto me, I will write also unto your brethren in

���������������������� Babylon, and I will send by means of men, and I will write in like manner to the nine

���������������������� tribes and a half, and send by means of a bird.' 18 And it came to pass on the one and

���������������������� twentieth day in the eighth month that I, Baruch, came and sat down under the oak

���������������������� under the shadow of the branches, and no man was with me, but I was alone. 19 And I

���������������������� wrote these two epistles: one I sent by an eagle to the nine and a half tribes; and the

������������ ����������other I sent to those that were at Babylon by means of three men. 20 And I called the

���������������������� eagle and spoke these words unto it: 21 'The Most High hath made you that you

���������������������� should be higher than all birds. 22 And now go and tarry not in (any) place, nor enter

���������������������� a nest, nor settle upon any tree, till you have passed over the breadth of the many

���������������������� waters of the river Euphrates, and have gone to the people that dwell there, and cast

���������������������� down to them this epistle. 23 Remember, moreover, that, at the time of the deluge,

���������������������� Noah received from a dove the fruit of the olive, when he sent it forth from the ark.

���������������������� 24 Yea, also the ravens ministered to Elijah, bearing him food, as they had been

���������������������� commanded. 25 Solo_mon also, in the time of his kingdom, whithersoever he

���������������������� wished to send or seek for anything, commanded a bird (to go thither), and it obeyed

���������������������� him as he commanded it. 26 And now let it not weary you, and turn not to the right

���������������������� hand nor the left, but fly and go by a direct way, that you may preserve the command

����������������� �����of the Mighty One, according as I said unto you.'

��������������������������� 78�86. THE EPISTLE OF BARUCH THE SON OF NERIAH WHICH HE

��������������������������������������� WROTE TO THE NINE AND A HALF TRIBES

���������������������� 78 1 These are the words of that epistle which Baruch the son of Neriah sent to the

���������������������� nine and a half tribes, which were across the river Euphrates, in which these things

������ ����������������were written.

���������������������� 2 Thus says Baruch the son of Neriah to the brethren carried into captivity: 'Mercy

���������������������� and peace.' I bear in mind, my brethren, the love of Him who created us, who loved

����������� �����������us from of old, and never hated us, but above all educated us. 3 And truly I know that

���������������������� behold all we the twelve tribes are bound by one bond, inasmuch as we are born

���������������������� from one father. 4 Wherefore I have been the more careful to leave you the words

���������������������� of this epistle before I die, that you may be comforted regarding the evils which

���������������������� have come upon you, and that you may be grieved also regarding the evil that has

���������������������� befallen your brethren; and again, also, that you may justify His judgment which 5

���������������������� He has decreed against you that you should be carried away captive�for what you

���������������������� have suffered is disproportioned to what you have done�in order that, at the last

���������������������� times, you may be found worthy of your fathers. 6 Therefore, if you consider that ye

���������������������� have now suffered those things for your good, that you may not finally be

���������������������� condemned and tormented, then you will receive eternal hope; if above all you

���������������������� destroy from your heart vain error, on account of which you departed hence. 7 For if

���������������������� you so do these things, He will continually remember you, He who always promised

���������������������� on our behalf to those who were more excellent than we, that He will never forget

���������������������� or forsake us, but with much mercy will gather together again those who were

���������������������� dispersed.

���������������������� 79 1 Now, my brethren, learn first what befell Zion: how that Nebuchadnezzar king

���������������������� of Babylon came up against us. 2 For we have sinned against Him who made us, and

���������������������� we have not kept the commandments which he commanded us, yet he hath not

���������������������� chastened us as we deserved. 3 For what befell you we also suffer in a preeminent

���������������������� degree, for it befell us also.

���������������������� 80 1 And now, my brethren, I make known unto you that when the enemy had

���������������������� surrounded the city, the angels of the Most High were sent, and they overthrew the

��� �������������������fortifications of the strong wall, and they destroyed the firm iron corners, which

���������������������� could not be rooted out. 2 Nevertheless, they hid all the vessels of the sanctuary,

���������������������� lest the enemy should get possession of them. 3 And when they had done these

���������������������� things, they delivered thereupon to the enemy the overthrown wall, and the

���������������������� plundered house, and the burnt temple, and the people who were overcome because

���������������������� they were delivered up, lest the enemy should boast and say: 'Thus by force have we

���������������������� been able to lay waste even the house of the Most High in war.' Your brethren also

���������������������� have they bound and led away to Babylon, and have caused them to dwell there. 5 But

���������������������� we have been left here, being very few. 6 This is the tribulation about which I wrote

���������������������� to you. 7 For assuredly I know that (the consolation of) the inhabitants of Zion

���������������������� consoles you : so far as you knew that it was prospered (your consolation) was

���������������������� greater than the tribulation which you endured in having to depart from it.

��������� �������������81 1 But regarding consolation, hear the word. 2 For I was mourning regarding Zion,

���������������������� and I prayed for mercy from the Most High, and I said:

���������������������� 3������� 'How long will these things endure for us?

���������������������������� And will these evils come upon us always?'

���������������������� 4������� And the Mighty One did according to the multitude of His mercies,

���������������������������� And the Most High according to the greatness of His compassion,

���������������������������� And He revealed unto me the word, that I might receive consolation,

���������������������������� And He showed me visions that I should not again endure anguish,

���������������������������� And He made known to me the mystery of the times.

���������������������������� And the advent of the hours he showed me.

���������������������� 82 1 Therefore, my brethren, I have written to you, that you may comfort yourselves

������������ ����������regarding the multitude of your tribulations. 2 For know you that our Maker will

���������������������� assuredly avenge us on all our enemies, according to all that they have done to us,

���������������������� also that the consummation which the Most High will make is very nigh, and His

���������������������� mercy that is coming, and the consummation of His judgment, is by no means far

���������������������� off.

���������������������� 3������� For lo! we see now the multitude of the prosperity of the Gentiles,

���������������������������� Though they act impiously,

���������������������������� But they shall be like a vapor:

���������������������� 4������� And we behold the multitude of their power,

����������������� �����������Though they do wickedly,

���������������������������� But they shall be made like unto a drop:

���������������������� 5������� And we see the firmness of their might.

���������������������������� Though they resist the Mighty One every hour,

���������������������������� But they shall be accounted as spittle.

���������������������� 6������� And we consider the glory of their greatness,

���������������������������� Though they do not keep the statutes of the Most High,

����������������������� �����But as smoke shall they pass away.

���������������������� 7������� And we meditate on the beauty of their gracefulness,

���������������������������� Though they have to do with pollutions,

���������������������������� But as grass that withers shall they fade away.

���������������������� 8������� And we consider the strength of their cruelty,

���������������������������� Though they remember not the end (thereof),

���������������������������� But as a wave that passes shall they be broken.

������� ���������������9������� And we remark the boastfulness of their might,

���������������������������� Though they deny the beneficence of God, who gave (it) to them,

���������������������������� But they shall pass away as a passing cloud.

���������������������� 83 1�� [For the Most High will assuredly hasten His times,

���������������������������� And He will assuredly bring on His hours.

���������������������� 2������� And He will assuredly judge those who are in His world,

�� ��������������������������And will visit in truth all things by means of all their hidden works.

���������������������� 3������� And He will assuredly examine the secret thoughts,

���������������������������� And that which is laid up in the secret chambers of all the members of mail.

���������������������������� And will make (them) manifest in the presence of all with reproof.

���������������������� 4 Let none therefore of these present things ascend into your hearts, but above all

���������������������� let us be expectant, because that which is promised to us shall come. 5 And let us

���������������������� not now look unto the delights of the Gentiles in the present, but let us remember

���������������������� what has been promised to us in the end. 6 For the ends of the times and of the

���������������������� seasons and whatsoever is with them shall assuredly pass by together. 7 The

���������������������� consummation, moreover, of the age shall then show the great might of its ruler,

���������������������� when all things come to judgment. 8 Do you therefore prepare your hearts for that

���������������������� which before you believed, lest you come to be in bondage in both worlds, so that

���������������������� you be led away captive here and be tormented there. 9 For that which exists now or

���������������������� which has passed away, or which is to come, in all these things, neither is the evil

���������������������� fully evil, nor again the good fully good.

���������������������� 10����� For all healthinesses of this time are turning into diseases,

���������������������� 11����� And all might of this time is turning into weakness,

���������������������������� And all the force of this time is turning into impotence,

���������������������� 12����� And every energy of youth is turning into old age and consummation.

���������������������������� And every beauty of gracefulness of this time is turning faded and hateful,

���������������������� 13����� And every proud dominion of the present is turning into humiliation and

���������������������� shame,

���������������������� 14����� And every praise of the glory of this time is turning into the shame of silence,

���������������������������� And every vain splendor and insolence of this time is turning into voiceless

���������������������� ruin.

���������������������� 15����� And every delight and joy of this time is turning to worms and corruption,

���������������������� 16����� And every clamor of the pride of this time is turning into dust and stillness.

���������������������� 17����� And every possession of riches of this time is being turned into Sheol alone,

���������������������� 18����� And all the rapine of passion of this time is turning into involuntary death,

���������������������������� And every passion of the lusts of this time is turning into a judgment of

���������������������� torment.

���������������������� 19����� And every artifice and craftiness of this time is turning into a proof of the

���������������������� truth,

���������������������� 20����� And every sweetness of unguents of this time is turning into judgment and

���������������������� condemnation,

���������������������� 21����� And every love of lying is turning to contumely through truth.

���������������������� 22 [Since therefore all these things are done now, does anyone think that they will

���������������������� not be avenged? But the consummation of all things will come to the truth.]

���������������������� 84 Behold! I have therefore made known unto you (these things) whilst I live: for I

���������������������� have said (it) that you should learn the things that are excellent; for the Mighty One

���������������������� hath commanded me to instruct you: and I will set before you some of the

���������������������� commandments of His judgment before I die. 2 Remember that formerly Moses

���������������������� assuredly called heaven and earth to witness against you and said: 'If you transgress

���������������������� the law you shall be dispersed, but if you keep it you shall be kept.' 3 And other

���������������������� things also he used to say unto you when you the twelve tribes were together in the

��������������������� �desert. 4 And after his death you cast them away from you: on this account there

���������������������� came upon you what had been predicted. 5 And now Moses used to tell you before

���������������������� they befell you, and lo! they have befallen you: for you have forsaken the law. 6 Lo!

���������������������� I also say unto you after you have suffered, that if you obey those things which have

���������������������� been said unto you, you will receive from the Mighty One whatever has been laid up

��� �������������������and reserved for you. 7 Moreover, let this epistle be for a testimony between me

���������������������� and you, that you may remember the commandments of the Mighty One, and that

���������������������� also there may be to me a defense in the presence of Him who sent me. 8 And

���������������������� remember you the law and Zion, and the holy land and your brethren, and the

���������������������� covenant of your fathers, and forget not the festivals and the Sabbaths. And deliver

������ ����������������this epistle and the traditions of the law to your sons after you, as also your fathers

���������������������� delivered (them) to you. 10 And at all times make request perseveringly and pray

���������������������� diligently with your whole heart that the Mighty One may be reconciled to you, and

���������������������� that He may not reckon the multitude of your sins, but remember the rectitude of

���������������������� your fathers. 11 For if He judge us not according to the multitude of His mercies,

���������������������� woe unto all us who are born.

���������������������� 85 1�� [Know, moreover, that

���������������������������� In former times and in the generations of old our fathers had helpers,

������������ ����������������Righteous men and holy prophets:

���������������������� 2������� No more, we were in our own land

���������������������������� [And they helped us when we sinned],

���������������������� finish

�������������������������������������� Translation from the Syriac by R. H. Charles

��������������������������� The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English

��������������������������������������� (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1913) 2: 481‑524

���������������������������������������� Edited and adapted by George Lyons

������������������������������������������������������ for the

����������������������������������������� Wesley Center for Applied Theology

�������������� ������������������������������at Northwest Nazarene University

����������������������������� � Copyright 2000 by the Wesley Center for Applied Theology

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